you want to come out to the beach house tomorrow? neither did i until my lawyer found it -- quite a paper trail -- he had it in the dog's name. she's a legend. didn't she do kravis or a pearlman? she definitely did a factor. wow. ramona! don't get mia farrow on us. who's rex's guy? of massey myerson? by reputation. he got ann rumsey that cute little island of george's. muriel rumsey. now? she's a night manager at mcdonalds. it's not so bad these days. kids like joint custody. two sets of toys. we do have a man for you. she's keeping his name. and one of his planes. and all seven of his children i wish i had your discipline. well what does he want? he has a reputation for being tough. oh, god! i'm dying. so where are you now? shit. that's completely odd. that stinks. they left you with absolutely nothing. it makes you wonder about the entire legal system. like rodney king. well, you can live here as long as you want. do you have any plans? so, marylin. is that what you said when you were a little girl? you're not. dr. beck! hello miles. it is. it's famous. but marylin, without this, you're completely exposed. it's not ming. it's tong. what about rugs? i thought we were stopping at mansour? what? but you're going through with it? so what? well, that's about to change big time. soon, you'll have your own rage! vishu! knock it off. that hurts.