i'm gonna nail your ass. oyez. oyez. family court for the fifth district of los angeles county is now in session. i'm gonna nail your ass. mr. massey, mr. meyerson would like to see you when you have a moment. when you have a moment. thoity-six objections sustained, tree overruled; fawteen summary judgements sought, toiteen ranite, eighteen movments to voice fuh respondent's prejudice, eighteen ranite which is a hunnut pissent -- twelve cawt days on the rexrawt case alone; tree hunut'n twenty billable hours paralegal soivicies; four hunnut'n two billable associate counsel and consultative; six hunnut'n eighty billable at full attorney rate and eightyfive lunches charged. -- counseluh, you are the engine that drives this foim -- mr. massey -- i'm sorry, mr. massey, but i felt certain you'd want to know -- marylin rexroth wants to see you. she's here now. are you joe? hello. yes, he's here. just a minute -- this is joe. wuddya need?