wait. he wants to give her? and she has? what the fuck? sorry. i am very sorry. no. you're not. -- the judge sits. we argue. we argue before her. she sits before us. you can't sit before her. that's the rule! she sits before we argue! i can't help it. even with the business we're in, i -- it gets me every time. it's so -- optimistic. if she's not going through with it, she's cutting it awful close. you have any gum or mints? what do you think? berry spoons. miles -- why so angry? why is he doing that? that's -- the most romantic thing i've ever seen -- in my life! i'm sorry i'm late. i was having lunch with ruth rabinow's assistant. guess what? marylin rexroth is divorced! and i hear she's richer than croesus. she could buy and sell you ten times over. what? i'd stay away from her, miles. miles. the plastic surgeon! i read about you in la style. it has become a tradition, hasn't it? i tried to reach ruth, but we couldn't get her. the judge is here. over here, judge munson. -- the coin? ohhh. extinguish? ruth. hear, hear. apparently, from what i can gather, a burglar broke into your house -- became despondent over his lifestyle and shot himself. my client is prepared to consider a reconciliation. no one will ever love me that way.