accidentally brushing your teeth with brylcreme is a funny story. it comes in a red-and-white tube just like a tube of pepsodent. excuse me -- could i get change for a dollar? yes, i need change for. oh. you don't work here, do you? what? why? i couldn't. i need change for the parking meter. oh, thanks. my mother's waiting by the car so i won't get a ticket. no. no. don't do that. you know why. i just came in to get some change. i don't care if my mother sees you. no! wait. i don't know if i can. i'll try. it just depends. where is everyone? but you said. i'm sorry. i thought. i'm married. i am, but it's not final yet. besides, i'm two years older than you. i knew he would hit me. peter's a real hot-head. i knew if he hit me hard enough, hurt me enough, that even my father wouldn't stand for it. then one night i put too much soap in the washing machine and it overflowed. that did it. he punched me. broke my front tooth. so. what do you hear from eleanor? no. did you love her? no. because. this one. i had it capped. you can't really tell, can you? are you going to kiss me? i can't see you again, jacey. oh, god. why you? why am i telling all these things to you? don't tell. don't tell anyone what we're doing. don't tell anyone. no one can know, jacey. no one. impossible. go away. no, no, it's all just. screwing. don't. don't follow me. i spend all day, every day, just waiting and waiting to be with you, waiting to forget everything, you make me forget. but then when i get dressed and i come home, you. just. leak out of me. leak away. i go into the bathroom and i wash you off of me and i remember everything. yes, daddy. i told you. i can't. i don't know. i don't know. i don't know. maybe it's unlisted. no. i don't know her address, i don't know her phone number. you'd have to ask my father for it. all right?