didn't get invited, huh? who cares? i'm not going and i got invited. pam, i guess. i don't know. didn't open the envelope. i mean, come on, every time an abbott girl gets her period they have some party. kotex parties, kotex party hats, pin the kotex on the. it'll look worse if i wash it. it's india ink, it'll turn gray, it'll look like dirt. changed my mind. yeah. yeah. yeah. can i borrow a kleenex? got any smokes around here? so, is this peter guy alice is gonna marry rich? so how come alice's marrying him? jeez, no one can be that much of a pushover. you mean, which kind of brother am i? you got me? the little brother, i guess. three out of five? intestinal gas -- produced by bacterial metabolism of food residues in the colon. a mixture of oxygen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane. that's the secret ingredient. not everyone can produce methane. it's genetic, that means it's inherited. there's a lot of methane in my family. look it up, it's all in the encyclopedia. hey, they got 'vagina' in the dictionary, they got farts in the encyclopedia. 'a canal leading from the uterus to the vulva'. it's jacey -- that's him skiing. he must've skipped out on work. time to eat. jesus christ! oh, shit. yeah, okay, all right. sure. right. yeah, like 'boring' or 'eunuch.' it's latin for bus boy. okay. she likes to read. okay, i'll take her to the movies. root beer? a beer beer? where are we gonna get beer? remember that time i got my dick caught in my zipper? you know, when i was in first grade. at school? in the boys' room? remember i wouldn't let mrs. horton help me, so she went and got mom out of her classroom, but i wouldn't let mom help me either. i told her to go get you. remember? what do you mean? says who? mom's not stupid. he owns the company 'cause he married the boss's daughter. well, maybe mom sold it 'cause we needed the money. then why did she sell the patent? yeah. drop dead. nope. i don't have my license yet. what for? i see you all the time. come on. hell, no. i gotta job, i got school, i don't have time for dates and all that stuff. it's not like we're. you know. like i'm your boyfriend or. i don't smoke in the garage. i don't smoke, mom. yes, ma'am. i gotta go, gonna be late. i. have a date, kind of. it's friday night, you know? you too. hi. what are you doing tonight? you want to go out? oh. where's eleanor? i did. can i come in? why not? well. maybe some other time. why not? what's 'trig' mean? oh. i don't think jacey smokes a pipe. oh. sure. like. you're smarter. so how come she flunked biology? i got a three-point-two average. oh yeah? you might be surprised. why are we talking about eleanor? look, either you're mad at me 'cause you're mad at me -- or you're mad at me 'cause you like me. 'cause that's how girls act. i don't know much, but i know that. so like which is it? pam? hey. oh, dammit. pam? i'm sorry. i'm really sorry. oh, shit! let me out of here. how do you know when a girl's. ready? yeah. they are? how do you do that? what if you're not very dependable or exciting, you know? you mean, it's all just fake? but what if you really feel something for someone? really care for them? i guess. i don't know what i'm talking about. okay. well. jeez. i know that he's. that he's slept with her. but not because he's talked about it. i mean. eleanor has lots of boyfriends. i think jacey likes her more than she likes him. i got an incomplete in u.s. history. mrs. bates caught me drawing boobs on a picture of mamie eisenhower. i wish i knew. i just can't seem to help it sometimes. happy birthday. i don't know. maybe. fill 'er up. oh -- mind if i borrow it? i don't. just doing someone a favor. how come you're not going? what's that mean? what happened with you and eleanor? how were you `useful' to her? what do you mean? like guys from fountain park? we're not from the wrong side of the tracks. well, you're not me. we're just as good as the abbotts. know what? know what? i don't believe you. you're full of shit. a while. i'm fine. having fun? you didn't tell me i had to dance. what am i supposed to be so sorry about? all right, yeah, i'm sorry. you always do this to me. i'm sorry for what i'm supposed to be sorry about. okay? oh, shit, come on, pam. dammit. for crying out loud. forget it. hi. home for the summer. it's cheaper if he stays here for the summer. he can save more money for school, 'cause he doesn't have to pay rent. money's tight, you know, we're sort of poor. hell -- you kidding? even with jacey working summers, my mom had to borrow against the house so he could go to penn. i don't know where the money'll come from for me to go to college. i hear alice and peter are getting a divorce. what's the difference? so, where's eleanor tonight? is she pregnant? i don't know, everybody in town is saying something different -- she got knocked up, she ran away, your old man kicked her out. so, which is it? fuck off. i don't hate you. nope. i'm gonna go to penn like you. i'm going to the university of pennsylvania. i think i'm going to be an architect, too. why not? maybe we can be roommates in philadelphia? i'll get a scholarship. 'night. what's 'scenic design'? what a minute -- it's theatre. 'the howard lambert scholarship in scenic design for the theatre.' it's a full ride, four years. pays everything almost. hell, i could do that. just have to figure out what scenic design is. i'll wait for you outside, ma. why don't you? no, go out -- play bridge or whatever adults do for fun. you read too much. come on -- let's go see a movie. did dad kiss you? all right, mom. ping-pong? you want to go out to the lake and get a couple beers? screw you. missed me, peckerhead. you gotta catch me first, asshole! where's the thing that goes on the bottom of the jack? the thing, the base that the jack fits into? this. read your manual. mom. put the top up. because -- i know all the answers on 'the $64,000 question,' because i have x-ray vision and i can sing better than pat boone. and because i'm really a negro, but don't tell anyone around here, 'cause you know what would happen to me. why? what's the point? life is not a cafeteria? shit, i'm supposed to feel sorry for you 'cause you're rich? no. stop what?! well, how am i supposed to treat you? you. hell, i don't know. like a photograph. i never knew him. he died like a month before i was even born. jacey probably looks more like him than i do. jacey's named after him. that's how he got to be called 'jacey,' after his initials, john charles, you never heard about that? well, it was sort of a car wreck. he drowned, or froze to death, or both, i don't know. he was trying to drive out to mud island. it was winter time, the lake was froze over. it's all right, it is stupid. real stupid. he did it on a bet. he bet someone twenty bucks that he could do it. he made it all the way out there, too. he went through the ice on his way back. i think my dad was like jacey is. some guys are just dare-devils. i bet jacey once that he couldn't do a back-flip off the garage roof into a big pile of leaves. and he did it. you did? was this day or night? was there a full moon? you walked around the yard or did you like run from tree to tree? front yard or back yard? oh. yeah. back yard nudity is hypocritical. it's insincere. people should do and say exactly what they feel or think and not try to hide things. okay. hi. you look pretty. yup. okay, mom, okay. two weeks. she goes up every summer to see this friend she went to college with. she does? what do they teach you at stewardess school? maybe you should go there instead of bryn mawr? oww! damn! watch it. you want to. go upstairs? i just thought maybe you were tired of just kissing? no, but touching is nice. i just. you know. would like to see what you look like without any clothes on. aren't you curious? can i touch your breasts? just on the outside? you like lips? shit. my brother. he just went upstairs with your sister. alice. hey. hold up! hell, i didn't know. what does this got to do with us? why is it okay for you to sneak around with me, but it's not all right for alice to sneak around with jacey? come on, take it easy. eleanor fooled around with lots of guys, it's not jacey's fault your dad kicked her out. but. i thought you said she's in chicago? oh, shit. hi. what's up? oh, yeah? why? christ, why do you have to take care of them? okay. sure. see you around. alice abbott. i don't know, but i wouldn't hold up dinner. what's going on? had to what? what? dammit. why can't he just leave them alone? the abbotts. i don't know why. why couldn't he just forget 'em? just pretend they didn't even exist? what do you mean, how do you know? why? christ. dammit, why didn't lloyd tell her that nothing had happened? ahhh, jesus. but why? why did everyone in town believe joan abbott? i hate this town. i hate the abbotts. i already knew. no, i've never heard anyone talk about it. not to me. jacey. yeah. but he thinks it really happened. hey! hey! pam! hi. what are you up to? how's bryn mawr? just have to drop off these set designs -- you want to go get something to eat? why not? it's been a long time. and you seem. not so plain. so, dinner, okay? what party? just call -- i'm at reed hall. bye. did you miss the bus? damn, you're drunk. awww, man. i better get you out of here before the puritans tar-and-feather you. can you walk? listen to me -- go out the front door, turn right, go around to the side of the building and wait for me by the fire escape. okay? just wait. come on -- up we go. pam? what were you drinking, sterno? hold on, we got to get your pants too. can you stand up. ) no, you can't stand up. all right. nope, nope, let's keep the panties on, okay? pam? can you hold on to your underpants? i'll hold on to your underpants. you're welcome. shit. that's it? you're sorry? oh-jesus-did-we what? what do you think? goddammit. well, i know you might find this hard to believe, but i don't sleep with drunks. if you feel like you're gonna puke use the wastebasket there. you want to hear something stupid? when i was cleaning you up, wiping the puke off your face, i suddenly realized how much i miss you -- how much i love you. how's that for stupid? what are you crying for? why? no, no, it's not too late. it's perfect timing. we're on our own now. no jacey and eleanor or jacey and alice. that's what stinks about being the youngest, we have to sweep up after everybody else. but now it's just us. it's our turn. how can you be in love with me? hi. you want to see something? come on. i want to show you something. just stand right there. it's all right -- don't move! stay put. almost, almost. hold on. the senior acting class does scenes from different plays, they invite everybody, it's a real big deal. so, there's this competition among all the theater design students to do the sets. and -- anyway -- i'm the one whose design got picked. umm. romeo and juliet. it's something different, i think that's why they picked it. everybody else was doing castles and stuff. rooftop romeo and juliet by douglas l. holt. it's like building models when i was a kid. it's fun. it's. make-believe. oh, no. did they? they always tear down the wrong stuff. missed you, too. you have a boyfriend, right? well, what? you worried what your old man would think? then what's the problem? why not? i mean. okay. we don't have to go so fast. shit, i'm sorry. i blew it again, huh? how? what about tomorrow? i could come up in the afternoon and. pam! it's not too late! nothing. hi. how did you know i was here? fuck you. you didn't know what?! fuck you. apologize to her, you asshole! she didn't betray alice! she was just trying to get rid of you so alice wouldn't try to kill herself again. jesus christ, you shit- head, alice couldn't marry you! then what the hell did pam ever do to deserve your revenge? just your way of evening the score with lloyd abbott, right? i don't know you! i don't know who the fuck you are! you fuck everything. you fuck everything up! why did you have to fuck pam, too?! pamela abbott, please. tell her doug is here. i'll wait. what do you mean? where did she go? well, did she go home? oh, god. no. shit! yeah, right. i mean. thanks. thanks anyway. i know her home address. where's pam? is she with eleanor? in chicago? i couldn't find eleanor's name in the chicago phone book. well, do you know eleanor's address? are you okay? you look. tired. you sure? i guess that free-lance drafting job was too good for him to turn down. no. when did you start drinking beer? here. have one with me. it's not good to drink alone, mom. come on. sit down. have a beer. merry christmas. let's drink 'em all. why do you always call him charlie? why don't you ever say 'your father'? did you ever. meet anybody else? yeah. sorry. 'used to see him' -- you don't see him anymore? did you like him? how long did this go on? that's a long time. did you ever think about marrying him? why? what-the-hell do you want? yeah. i have a little scar. my mother died. she had cancer. i just saw her christmas. she was tired, but i thought she just had the flu or something. she didn't tell us. the hospital told jacey when they called him. he had to stay to take his state board exams. he's coming back the day after tomorrow. if he passes his exams. he will. you know, i tried to find your phone number a couple of months ago. i was wondering if you knew where pam was? she left school. tell pam i love her. tell her. just tell her that. you can have it. yeah. i'm starving. you want to go get something to eat? you don't have to stick around. i can handle things here. i hate penn. always have. you were right. i should live my own life. stop being your shadow. i'm not like you, jacey -- i don't want to be like you. no. i was thinking new york. if i'm going to really learn how to design sets, that's the place to do it. i know you are. did you have to get stitches? your eyebrow. sorry. found this in one of the boxes in the basement. a letter of agreement between lloyd abbott and dad. dad sold him the file drawer patent -- not mom. yup. used cars were the only kind of cars around. the war was on -- everything was mobilized. they stopped making new cars, they were making tanks and bombers in detroit. and even midwest steel wasn't making desks, they were making ammo boxes and mortar shells. u.s. history -- high school. i should be an expert, i had to take the damn class twice. i guess dad needed a car and he figured who- the-hell needed a full-suspension file drawer? wonder whatever happened to it? okay. see you. i want to talk to you. no thanks. i don't want to. sorry about what? i want to find pam -- and you're going to tell me where she is. where is she? how can i what? you always loved me no matter what i did, right? maybe that's how i love you -- no matter what. that's the best kind of love, you know? there. we're doing it. starting over. so, what are you doing tonight? you want to go out? some people never change. hi.