no it wasn't. maybe you had the wrong number? no. are you mad at me? i did. we can talk tonight at the party. yes, you were. well, now you are. but if you're mad at me you don't have to come. i'm going out to the lake tomorrow. sandy wants to show-off her dad's new boat. why don't you come? well, i guess you'll just have to write me a letter. you said you wanted to talk to me in private. you know you're going too fast? hi. congratulations. i heard you got accepted to penn. how'd you swing an ivy league school like that? it stinks in here. yeah, me. well, that's what you thought. i think steve is. i don't even know what i think about steve, i never think about him. i just do things. and let other people figure them out. that's what parents are for. they're real good at doing all the thinking. why should i? alice is going to have a baby. she and kilroy didn't waste any time. he's already talking about having another, and alice is up- chucking every hour on the hour. she's got morning-noon-and-night sickness. i've got the feeling she'll be barefoot and puking for years to come. wallpaper patterns -- that's all she talks about. she and my mother spend hours looking at wallpaper pattern books. that's another thing i never think about. wallpaper. well, i think this is called the silent treatment. i get enough of that from my father, i don't need it from you. good luck at penn. who? why? hi, doug. hi, doug! come on, come on, come on. hi, daddy. fucking jacey. 'night. hi, doug! how's your chin? remember. the pencil? you going home? back to hole-in- the-ground, illinois. oh god. oh no. oh, doug, i'm sorry. how is jacey? he's an architect? i'm so sorry, doug. it's in my roommate's name, i've got to fix that. no. i don't. i know. my father called me. he was looking for her. i don't know where she is. i gotta run -- i'll miss my ride to the hotel.