go to hell. who invited you? oh, shut up. shut up! i tried to call you last night but the line was busy. it was busy all night. are you mad at me? no. who said i was? i just wanted to talk to you last night. i wasn't invited. no, i wasn't. oh, christ! he has to wash it off, mother. you cannot let him go to the party unless he washes it off. he looks like such a clown and he doesn't even know it! he doesn't get how things work in this town. i thought you weren't even going to the party? i have to work. what do you mean? i meant. just. we never get a chance to be together, alone, you know? two out of three. you serve. 'morning. that was a nice party last night. yes, sir. eleanor invited me. i want to be an architect. i care about making money. yes, sir. i know. sure. don't tell mom. just don't tell mom. all right? for what? oh. yeah. thanks. my grandfather went there. i had the grades, so. i dropped something. i just thought you and steve. get out!!! i'll buy a new one in philadelphia. yeah, i'll go pick it up. i'm just going to the cleaners. i gotta finish packing. baloney. not much. yes, ma'am. if mom starts having problems with the car stalling just change the fuel filter. it gets clogged up when she lets the gas tank get too low. and every-once-in-a-while take her to the movies so she doesn't just sit around the house all the time reading. she reads too much. you want to go have a beer? no, a beer. yeah. the bait shop. if you go in alone and nobody else is in the store, ernie'll sell you a couple of bottles. yeah, i remember. we should own that company. midwest steel desk. dad's file cabinet drawer. lloyd abbott screwed mom out of dad's patent after he died. it's true. i didn't say she was stupid. lloyd's pretty smooth. that's why he owns the company. he owns the company 'cause that patent saved the company's ass after the war, when all the war contracts dried up. what money? we never had any money. money had nothing to do with it. she just did, that's all that matters. and that's why we're driving this car and not that one. i guess you'll just have to be real careful zipping up your pants while i'm gone. hey, doug! get my suitcase! what do you mean, `ready'? ready for what. sex? they're all ready for sex. they might not be willing but they're ready. just have to make them think you're the only one around who has what they need. find out what's making them itch and scratch it. if they're scared, be dependable. if they're bored, be exciting. if they're on the rebound, catch them. pretend you are. the sex is real. they pretend they don't want it. you pretend that you care. everybody gets what they want. i thought you were talking about getting laid? no shit. nice tie. i thought you didn't like those parties at the abbott's? then why are you going? i'm persona non grata. you know what it means. nothing. i just outlived my usefulness, that's all. christ, use your imagination. eleanor was just looking for a way out. a way out of the whole abbott world. and it turns out that it takes a lot to get away. it's not enough that you sleep around with boys from your world, you have to fuck boys from the wrong side of the tracks. no, i mean me. she was fucking me. i wouldn't go to that party if i were you. you still don't know, do you? after dad died. mom. had an affair with lloyd abbott. that's how he got dad's patent away from her. believe it or not. i don't care. then why don't you go ask mom? ask her what happened -- ask her why she doesn't have any friends -- ask her why she's never invited to the abbott's -- ask her which side of the tracks we live on? you asleep? you're gonna what? like hell you are. you're nuts. you'll never get accepted to penn. besides, mom couldn't afford it anyway. i had a four-point-0 grade average and i couldn't get a scholarship -- so, i say you got your head up your ass. yes, sir. too hot. no, i don't want to go out to the. goddammit. goddammit! look, i don't want you in philadelphia. i don't need you around to remind everybody that i come from hicksville, u.s.a. so if you're going to go to philadelphia, you're on your own, dip shit. i don't need you riding my coat tails. christ -- why don't you get your own life? stop being my fucking shadow. you little prick! you're dead, dip shit! come on, weasel dick! come on out, you chicken shit! can i help you? no. i was just thinking about you. i was going to call you tonight. there's a picnic out at river point on sunday -- i wanted to invite you. bring susan, kids love picnics. here. do you have time for an ice tea? maybe she'd like an ice tea, too? no harm asking. why not? then i'll make you a deal. come to the picnic on sunday and i'll wait here and let you leave first, so your mother won't see me. then you won't care if i ask her if she'd like to join us for an ice tea? sunday. river point. around noon. we are everyone. no, i didn't. i just said a picnic. i didn't say if anyone else was coming. where are you going? you didn't come here to see everybody else. you came here to see me. didn't you? that's why you didn't bring susan along. i thought you were getting a divorce? good, if the cops come around we'll tell 'em you bought the beers in the cooler. bastard. i don't. do you? we weren't in love, we were in heat. did you love peter? then why did you marry him? which tooth was it? no. it's a beautiful mouth. i don't want to scare you. sure you can. there are ways. because there's no one else you can tell them to. because i'm the only person you know who will admit to your face that your father's a bag of shit. the biggest bag of shit in this town. better head home. shouldn't be gone too long. marry me. nothing's impossible. alice. wait! it's the truth, you know it is. it's called making love. don't what? what's wrong? remember what? no, thanks. i know. i had to bring her here today. she couldn't see me tonight and there was nowhere else we could go. i love her, mother. i'm going to marry her. of course not. i don't give a damn about them. she loves me. she will. she needs time. she's frightened. it's not easy for her. we don't have any choice. all that matters is that i get her away from them before they find out. i don't need your help. i'm not asking for it. what's wrong? oh, jesus, no. i'll get dressed. i have to see her. but i have to see her. jesus. leave me alone, just leave me alone. how is she? can i see her? where is she? where's alice? alice! alice! where is she?! alice! alice! dammit, where is she?! alice! alice! you son-of-a-bitch! where is she?! come with me. please, alice, just come with me now, right now. because. the sooner i get out of this fucking town the better. airplanes, bridges, skyscrapers, bras, all utilize the same fundamentals of structural design. a stable foundation that resists compression. carefully calculated suspension. and cantilevered elements to provide support. so am i. i'm engaged in conversation with you. what's wrong with you? you want another cup of. i told you not to come by on sundays. dammit, why didn't you call first? well, i didn't expect to see you again. you want to fuck? i mean, that's why you came over, right? then take off your clothes. doug. i didn't know. how you felt about pam. i'm sorry. i did. i ran into her a few weeks ago at a party. she was drinking and i. it was easy. she felt guilty about telling her father about alice and me. actually, i made her feel guilty, i made her feel like she had betrayed alice. i know. i mean, i do now. nothing. right. mom. why? why didn't she tell us? fucking hypocrites -- every one of 'em. do you want this picture of grandma? you sure? sure. what about school? about what? you going to stay here? in haley? i'm sorry. hmmm? my eyebrow -- yeah, ten stitches. what is it? a car? jesus christ. he sold the patent for a used car? how did you get to be such an expert on world war two? '1937 desoto coupe convertible as is.' he parked it at the bottom of the lake. do me a favor. don't stand here and wave good-bye. it makes me think of mom.