the television is broken. i don't understand anything you just said and that makes me scared and angry. i do too. i'm sorry, mark. things aren't any better for me here. i can't afford most of my medication, i'm very alone and i forget more and more every day. i don't think i'm a loser. well, we're poor because we weren't born with money and it's very hard to make enough money in a single lifetime to move from one social class to another. we're only moderately intelligent because there's been a lot of inbreeding in our lineage. and we're only lonely and unloved right now. remember, i've had two husbands i loved very much in my lifetime. i suppose we are. but things could be worse. we could be homeless. well that's sad. i love you, mark. good luck finding a job! oops. i don't know, i fell on my way back to my room. they say i'll probably die tonight. i'm so scared, mark. i don't want to die. you know, people don't talk about it much, but death is a horrible thing. one minute you're alive, there's a whole world around you, humming and jumping, people coming in and out, doors opening and closing, love and anger and the whole mess of it all, and then like that, it's all gone. i'm scared.