you asshole! you hooked the wrong one! he crouches to examine lincoln. blood is blossoming from a wound on his shoulder, jutting from which is a projectile. the censor presses its base and it snaps loose of its unintended target. j u s t a flesh wound. `hit his head pretty hard. possible concussion. t h i n k you can walk, buddy? you see this? it'll get you past the lockdown. you're to report to the medical center. you understand? yeah, no sweat, subject is secured. nothing , sir. no sign. a bird?! in this storm?! ground team checking in. the storm pretty much covered their tracks. we're scanning for thermals b u t the hotter it gets, the harder it is to isolate a heat signature. i don't know, sir, it's a big desert out there. s i r , i've been trying to contact you. it's the ether. something's wrong. that's what i mean. we can't get through. the circuits are locked. c o m m u n i t y - w i d e , sir. everywhere.