katherine . . . it's good to see you. i haven't seen you since john's funeral. your call was a little cryptic. what is it exactly that's wrong with you? your friend. she has pneumonia. at a very advanced stage. its progress has been unchecked by her immune system. we have two options. one is a super- b i o t i c . but there's the risk her immune system might bow out of the fight. the other is a nodal transfusion. katherine has agreed to be the donor. but the new antibodies may not conform fully. they m a y decide to attack the baby. or , if we do nothing, both. her immune system is. remarkably unstable. if we don't act, the infection will take over. what e v e r this is about, we can't move her. she's already under sedation. the procedure takes three hours but. katherine , what the hell's going on? i hope you know what you're doing. j u s t understand that i've put a lot on the line for you, katherine.