that's me, slick. this here's my partner burdon. don't mind him. he gets a little shy around strangers. `pursuit last week. the guy took a swing at him with a fireaxe. didn't stop burdie though . `took down that fucker with one arm, didn't you? well we're on the job, see? and it kind of helps if you bleed in. you don't look like a bondman either. now that's what people use when they don't want to get their hands dirty. what we hunt depends on the bounty. what's the bond? ten platinum. must be big secrets. oh, me and burdie, we're busy bees. we don't have time to file every report and we got real bad memories. but just so we understand each other, slick, we're talking about a bag job, right? what's up with these tattoos? they look like fucking boondock types . how about we start with their names? you're kidding me, right? no names? the n - with all due respect - how the fuck d o you expect us to find them? the n why not do it yourself? or is the dog ring just to impress the ladies? is that everything? i don't know. what do you say, burdie? don't bother. he'll drop by himself. b u r d o n pulls out some handcuffs and stands waiting. diggs returns to the booth. pouring out two tequila shots, he grins at scheer - n o w . . . where were we? h o l o s e r v e . c h e a p e r than flesh and blood but nothing between the ears. f i r s t time i used one of these, i asked her out on a date. j u s t wanted to help, that's all. d i g g s shrugs, disarming, trying to win them over, nice and easy per the mandate. then he notices the eyes of his male quarry. the pupils, black and dilating. suddenly the male jerks away, like a shying horse, drawing the female with him. diggs, unperturbed, makes no attempt to follow. turning his back on them, he touches a device concealed in his ear canal, a miniature two-way radio- why the fuck d i d n ' t you go after them?! fuck! s u n n a v a b i t c h ! what the fuck d o we do now, huh? they could be anywhere. a s what? john and jane doe? y e a h , let's tell him we couldn't hack it in kindergarten. see how long him and his ten platinum stick around. what? j a n e e n , where the fuck have you been? o h , jesus. listen, i want you to punch into the currency stream for me. sweep for blue card transactions. i want serial numbers, batched a n d cross-referenced. start from union station and work your way out. we got a positive on the serial number. punch in and pull up the transactions. start with the last hour and work back. i t ' s a platinum bond, janeen. we get this, i'll buy you a new ass, okay? bond recovery. state license. play nice, little girl. now you want to tell me where your boyfriend is? what? i'm a bond agent! punch into the currency stream, close the net on downtown and keep the search active. the next time they use the card, i want to be right on top of them. y e a h , well we ain't in the market. we ' r e chasing up a currency record from last night. these two ring a bell? d i g g s displays two digital slides. the owner pauses, suspicious. did he give you a name? did he say where he was going? i got thermals. i'm looking for two bond runners. they ditched near here last night. somebody start talking. up there in the rocks. three o'clock. i'm not sure. it could be ambient. burdie?