you know that guy who won the spin in your sector? starkweather? i had a bout with him last week. guess how long he's been here? six months. you don't believe me - look it up. what do you say now? still think the spin's rigged for the long haulers? and don't you wish it was you. out there on the island. nature's own clean air zone. no screening, no quotas. unlimited pleasure. why don't you make me? in the ring. not anymore. they just got the new program in - multi-weight balancing. c'mon, champ. a stim unit says you won't last three rounds. sure you input the right weight class? you're faster `cause you're lighter. programmers. they always miss something. so make it a beer and a vita cola. you know, you're going to get yourself contaminated one of these days. so, you up for a rematch tomorrow? with who? that blonde again? you want to get flagged for proximity? quick . . . give me that beer back. what's going on, officer? so? maybe the system didn't update yet. what? you think he's still here? the guy wins a place on the island and you think he just decided not to go? and now nothing. it's probably the programmers messing up. a stim unit says i can prove it. cross reference with sanitation. see ? standard procedure. they got to sweep it for the next occupant. hey, champ. are you alright? i heard there was a contamination scare. what are you talking about? you caught that fucking p a t h o g e n , didn't you? you're contaminated.