o h , god. oh, my god. j u s t something to help her sleep. i think she has a bronchial infection. but i'm not sure i should give her an antibiotic in case it effects the baby. is n ' t that why you came here? the y have a plan. for women like me. you know when you're young? how you run around thinking you're immortal? the r e was a lodeway accident. i was. damaged. after that, i thought no man would ever want me. i was wrong. his name was john. he said he married me for my eyes. ocean eyes, he called them. he always loved the ocean. up there on the wall, that's john's boat. but i think there was always an unspoken regret between us. when we heard about the technology, it was like. forgive- n e s s , like a second chance. a child of our own, part of both of us. sailing trips, fishing trips, so many plans. j o h n got cancer a year ago. he died. i r o n i c . that the same technology could have saved his life. and now the baby is the only part of him i have left. and the boat. i still have the boat. what do i call you? lincoln , i think she needs professional help. i think she needs to see a doctor. n o t if i don't want them to. the doctor i'm thinking of, he's an old friend. he look after john in t h e final stages. i trust him. n o . no, that's not what i want. o f f lincoln's blunt look, she sighs, lowering into a chair. m a y b e i didn't realize she'd be so. m a y b e i just didn't want to. either way, i was wrong. i want you to know that. i was wrong. and i'm sorry. e v e n if i had taken her baby, i swear to you, i'd never have. they give you a choice, you see, to extend the sponsorship after. after d e l i v e r y . you mean. even if i had extended the sponsorship, they'd have. and kept taking the money? but that's inhuman. we l l i've been keeping busy. trying to. thanks for coming down to meet me. i t ' s not me. not exactly. he means that by trying to help her, we could lose her. or lose the baby. what are you talking about? i see. you can stop there. i know why i'm here. you wanted to know if i'm going to sue you for breach of contract. i don't want restitution, dr. sanger. the reason i agreed to this meeting was to have the chance to talk to you. i never got to meet you when i visited the institute. it was one of your sales- m e n who led the tour. i remember how h e described the agnates a s if they were some kind of mindless organisms. more like livestock than humanity. i remember how eager i was to believe him. but when i saw w h a t i'd created, in flesh and blood, when i touched h e r , it was i who felt less than human. ester ' s life was my responsibility and her death is my cross to bear alone. so i'm not going to sue you, dr. sanger. but i am going to blame y o u . until the day i die, i will silently curse your name. that's w h a t i wanted you to know. an d now i'd like to leave, please. i don't think they suspected anything. i know. but it felt good. it felt like something john would have done. yes . there are people sympathetic to the cause. i'm going to get it to them. don't forget that. it has the operating manuals for the boat. but the maps, the charts.