sorry, chief. i can't let you get any closer. we got live wires over there. what's that you said? he y , you get yourself contaminated, don't come pointing the finger at me. you know how it is. `gets to the end of shift, `crew starts draggin t h e i r feet. i guess if we bust our backs, we could be out of here by the end of the week. thanks , chief. i appreciate that. what do you mean? you mean, these things? well, these things ain't good for you anyways. that's because we ain't supposed to. they got rules about fraternization. m o r e of the same. they cycle us onto the disposal detail. hump `n dump crew. d e b r i s clearance. we hump the heavy stuff to a site on the outside. right. i don't know too much about that. lincoln eyes him narrowly. mccord p a u s e s , then tucks his lighter into the cigarette box and offers it with a palliative smile. he y , take it from me, you got a sweet deal right here. so why worry, huh? lincoln shrugs, accepting the gift with a slow exhale of smoke. we tilt up to follow the smoke plume, dissipating into the fans.