hello? can i help you? got stuck in that supercell, didya? supercellstorm , that's what they call it on the news anyways. i n my day, we just called `em "big ol' h o w l e r s " . yep, i heard it shut down some of the lodeways. dust in the works, i guess. where were you folks headed anyways? a w a y ? you mean, like outta s t a t e ? n o w where's my manners gone? i'm ozzie. osmund r e a l l y . but folks call me ozzie. s o m e t i m e s i like to make a joke of it, my last name bein' d e e r . . . "o. deer". we l l now, looks like yer g i r l f r i e n d ' s made herself at home. yer girlfriend sure is pretty. so what's with them tattoos, huh? hey , in the eye of the beholder, right? now this place, this is beautiful to me. this is my place. i own it. `may not look like much but you'd be surprised. c'mon, lemme show you. m o s t a t h i s heavy stuff's industrial scrap. comes in from all over. easy way round the recyclin' l a w s . me, i sell it on to the boondock b o y s for meltdown. other stuff, i pick up at the scrap markets. fix it up, `fetches a price. fossil fuel transport. this piece o' junk's a collector's item. all that age of the wheel nostalgia, "elegant era of transport" bullshit. i find the parts, she's as good as solid gold. now this here's got a colorful history. came in from this ol' g o v e r n m e n t bunker out in the valley. `got shut down way back. then this new outfit took over, stripped the place out. i guess they're doin' s o m e more remodelling cause i just had `em in again the other day. hump`n dump crew. nice fellas. you okay there? nuthin . i wasn't doin nuthin . i knew it. them clothes. them weird tattoos. i mean, i heard stories from those guys but i never. n o t that i believe `em. buncha c r a z y stories. nuthin t o do with you. w h a d d y a s a y we just forget about it, huh? how about i go getcha a beer? what e v e r you want. just take it. whaddya w a n t . . . ? you want money? i t ' s all i got. take it. just please. just don't hurt me.