no, thanks. think i'll go home and see what the wife's doing.
how would you like to get a ticket next week? haven't you any romance in you?
liver pills! who wants to see liver pills on their honeymoon? what? they want romantic places, beautiful places.  places george wants to go.
come on, we got to get this up. he's coming.
the groom, idiot. come on, get that ladder.
get that ladder up here.
hurry up.  hurry up.  hurry up.
what's up, ernie?
all right, put up your hands. no fast moves. come on out here, both of you.
stand back.
come on, come on.
look, now why don't you be a good kid and we'll take you in to a doctor. everything's going to be all right.
i hate to do this, fella.
oh, shut up!
where'd he go? where'd he go? i had him right here.
well, which way'd they go? help me find 'em.
oh, it's you!
stand back!
hey, george! george! you all right?
hey, what's the matter?
what the sam hill you yelling for, george?
know you? are you kiddin'? i've been looking all over town trying to find you. i saw your car piled into that tree down there, and i thought maybe.  hey, your mouth's bleeding; are you sure you're all right?
mary, i got him here from the airport as quickly as i could. the fool flew all the way up here in a blizzard.