i think that's all we'll need you for, george. i know you're anxious to make a train. i want the board to know that george gave up his trip to europe to help straighten things out here these past few months. good luck to you at school, george. now we come to the real purpose of this meeting – to appoint a successor to our dear friend, peter bailey. very well. in that case i'll ask the two executive officers to withdraw. but before you go, i'm sure the whole board wishes to express its deep sorrow at the passing of peter bailey. it was his faith and devotion that are responsible for this organization. george! george! they voted potter down! they want to keep it going! but they've got one condition – only one condition. that's the best part of it. they've appointed george here as executive secretary to take his father's place. you can keep him on. that's all right. as secretary you can hire anyone you like. but, george, they'll vote with potter otherwise.