hiya, george! sure, your highness, hop in. and, for the carriage trade, i puts on my hat. how would you like. want to come along, bert? we'll show you the town! family man. you still want me to hang around, george? if either of you two see a stranger around here, it's me. bert, the cop, sent this over. he said to float away to happy land on the bubbles. by the way, where are you two going on this here now honeymoon? that does it! then what? don't look now, but there's something funny going on over there at the bank, george, i've never really seen one, but that's got all the earmarks of a run. hey, bert, here he comes. hiya. good evening, sir. entray, monsieur, entray. gonna snow again. i know – i know – i know. i think it's marvelous. where do you live? okay. three-twenty sycamore?. all right. he pulls down the flag on the meter and starts the cab. you seen my wife? look, bud, what's the idea? i live in a shack in potter's field and my wife ran away three years ago and took the kid. and i ain't never seen you before in my life. is this the place? well, this house ain't been lived in for twenty years. i don't know, but we better keep an eye on this guy. he's bats. watch him, bert. think i'd better be going. i need a drink. the line forms on the right. mr. martini! merry christmas! step right up here. mr. gower! just a minute. quiet, everybody. quiet – quiet. now, this is from london. mr. gower cables you need cash. stop. my office instructed to advance you up to twenty-five thousand dollars. stop. heehaw and merry christmas. sam wainwright.