i'm not scared.
i've eaten.
i don't care. it's george's tux.
annie, i'm in love with you. there's a moon out tonight.
pop, can i have the car? i'm going to take over a lot of plates and things.
oh, mom – i'm chairman of the eats committee and we only need a couple of dozen.
gangway! gangway! so long, pop.
very funny. very funny.
okay, mom. you coming later? you coming later, george?
couldn't want a better death. lots of pretty girls, and we're going to use that new floor of yours tonight, too.
aw, pop, just a little.
you know my kid brother, george. i'm going to put him through college.
he has?
well, i gotta make some dough first.
oyez – oyez – oyez.  the big charleston contest. the prize? a genuine loving cup. those not tapped by the judges will remain on the floor. let's go!
come on, george, let's hurry.
well, if it isn't old george geographic explorer bailey! what? no husky dogs? no sled? uncle billy, you haven't changed a bit.
say, where's mother?
oh, wait. wait.  wait a minute.
ruth dakin.
well, i wired you i had a surprise. here she is. meet the wife.
george.  about that job. ruth spoke out of turn. i never said i'd take it. you've been holding the bag here for four years, and.  well, i won't let you down, george. i would like to.  oh, wait a minute. i forgot the bags. i'll be right back.
hello, george, how are you?
mary – looks like i got here too late.
oh, i left right in the middle of it as soon as i got mary's telegram.
good idea, ernie. a toast.  to my big brother, george. the richest man in town!