the old deserted house. mary throws her rock, and once more we hear the sound of breaking glass. george looks surprised at this. an old-fashioned, run-down house, unpainted and warped by the weather. it once had class but has not been lived in for years. this is the house that george and mary will live in from now on. the rain is pouring down. a faint glow of light shines out from bottom windows. george hurries into scene. he stops to make sure it is the right number before going up the steps. a group of men, obviously just drafted, marching along in a camp. uncle billy is walking along the street, humming happily to himself. he sees some men decorating the court house with banners and bunting – there is a huge sign reading: "welcome home harry bailey" george is crossing the approach to the bridge when a truck swings around the corner and nearly hits him. the taxi pulls up to the curb and stops.