are you all right, george? want someone to take you home? this is mr. george bailey. you all right, george? yes, you bet. you want a martini? look, i'm the boss. you want a drink or don't you? okay. what's yours? look, mister, i'm standing here waiting for you to make up your mind. hey, look mister, we serve hard drinks in here for men who want to get drunk fast. and we don't need any characters around to give the joint atmosphere. is that clear? or do i have to slip you my left for a convincer? okay. that does it! out you two pixies go, through the door or out the window! and that's another thing. where do you come off calling me nick? what's that got to do with it? i don't know you from adam's off ox. hey, you! rummy! come here! come here! didn't i tell you never to come panhandling around here? throw him out. throw him out. you know, that's another reason for me not to like you. that rumhead spent twenty years in jail for poisoning a kid. if you know him, you must be a jailbird yourself. would you show these gentlemen to the door. hey! get me! i'm giving out wings!