here comes george. hello, hee-haw! oh, this afternoon. i thought i'd give the kids a treat. yeah – old joe college wainwright, they call me. well, freshman, looks like you're going to make it after all. harry! you're the guy i want to see. coach has heard all about you. yeah. he's followed every game and his mouth's watering. he wants me to find out if you're going to come along with us. well, you better make it fast. we need great ends like you – not broken down old guys like this one. hee-haw! "momma wants you, marty." "momma wants you, marty." remember? aw, go on. you mean old moss-back george? well, george baileyoffski! hey, a fine pal you are. what're you trying to do? steal my girl? that old george. he's always making a speech. hee-haw! we just stopped in town to take a look at the new factory, and then we're going to drive on down to florida. why, sure. hey, why don't you kids drive down with us, huh? still got the nose to the old grindstone, eh? jane, i offered to let george in on the ground floor in plastics, and he turned me down cold. i'm not rubbing it in. well, i guess we better run along. so long, george. see you in the funny papers. to florida! hee-haw!