avast, there, captain cook! where you headin'? some other time, george. there's a squall in there that's shapin' up into a storm. who is it? bank examiner! i should have called him yesterday. switch it inside. avast there, captain cook. you got your sea legs yet? hey, george, don't take any plugged nickels. george! george! come on home, quick! your father's had a stroke! yes, campbell's there now. george, you hear what that buzzard. oh, that's fine, potter, coming from you, considering that you probably drove him to his grave. boy, oh, boy, that was telling him, george, old boy. you shut his big mouth. you should have heard him. well, we're being voted out of business after twenty-five years. easy come, easy go. hey, you'll miss your train. you're a week late for school already. go on. oh, never mind. don't worry about that. they're putting us out of business. so what? i can get another job. i'm only fifty-five. go on – go on. hey, look, you gave up your boat trip, now you don't want to miss college too, do you? whoopee! uh-huh. breakfast is served; lunch is served; dinner. peanut? nobody ever changes around here. you know that. how do you do. huh? well, what do you know – wife. oh, he gets you and a job? well, harry's cup runneth over. oh, boy, oh boy, oh boy. i feel so good i could spit in potter's eye. i think i will. what did you say, huh? oh, maybe i'd better go home. where's my hat? where's my. oh, thank you, george. which one is mine? oh, thank you, george, old boy, old boy. now, look – if you'll point me in the right direction. would you do that? george? old building and loan pal, huh. that way, huh? george. george, can i see you a minute? i just did, but they said you left. this is a pickle, george, this is a pickle. how does anything like this ever start? all i know is the bank called our loan. about an hour ago. i had to hand over all our cash. every cent of it, and it still was less than we owe. and then i got scared, george, and closed the doors. i. i. i. yes, hello? george. it's potter. george, was it a nice wedding? gosh, i wanted to be there. we're going to make it, george. they'll never close us up today! those rockefellers! we'll save them for seed. a toast! they raise their glasses. be sure you spell the name right. december twenty-fourth. eight thousand. well, good morning, mr. potter. what's the news? well, well, well, harry bailey wins congressional medal. that couldn't be one of the bailey boys? you just can't keep those baileys down, now, can you, mr. potter? very jealous, very jealous. he only lost three buttons off his vest. of course, slacker george would have gotten two of those medals if he had gone. yes. after all, potter, some people like george had to stay home. not every heel was in germany and japan! good morning, horace. huh? what? sure, sure i am. oh, shucks. i know i had. hmm? well, i. hello. hello. yes, harry – yes. everything. everything's fine. i should have my head examined. eight thousand dollars. it's got to be somewhere. he's here? nothing. not even a stick of gum. this way. yeah. yeah. maybe. maybe. i'm no good to you, george. i. i've been over the whole house, even in rooms that have been locked ever since i lost laura. i can't think any more, george. i can't think any more. it hurts. isn't it wonderful? mary did it, george! mary did it! she told a few people you were in trouble and they scattered all over town collecting money. they didn't ask any questions – just said: "if george is in trouble – count on me." you never saw anything like it.