been sending her meals in regularly? absurd! what's this! what's happened here? get another tray ready. bring it here at once. what's this about not eating? know what my next move is? no more cigarettes. i might. yes? wait a minute! don't get excited! this isn't for you. no. everything seems quite satisfactory. i may want some more of that delicious gravy. i'll ring. we leave miami in an hour. soon's we get some supplies aboard. i'll get it annulled. nothing much. i just think he's a fake, that's all. that was enough. do you mind handing me the ketchup? you're going to finance him, i suppose. please don't shout. it's my daughter! go after her. any others? then shut up about it! three days! three whole days! and what have you accomplished! what i'm asking isn't impossible. my daughter is somewhere between here and miami. i want her found! it's not enough! brown send the story out to the newspapers. i haven't changed my mind, westley, i want you to understand that! i don't like you! i never have! i never will! that's clear enough, isn't it? come in, boys. this is myuhthis is king westley. well, here we are; it's all set. you're finally going to be married properly. someday perhaps, you might even take charge. i hope so. however, that'll take care of itself. my daughter. no? say, listeni've devoted a whole lifetime trying to tame that wildcat. toughest job i ever tackled. ever hear of j.p. clarkson? biggest man in the country, isn't he? well, i tamed him . got him eating out of the palm of my hand. i've browbeaten financiers, statesmen, foreign ministerssome of the most powerful people in the worldbut i've never been able to do a thing with her. she's been too much for me. i'm glad you think it's easy. sock her! try. do me a favor. try. it's your only chance. and hers, too. do that for meand maybe we'll be friends you thought that up all by yourself, huh? we've done that already. autogyro! i hope he breaks his leg. ohmary how is she? what's the matter? anything wrong? yes. i know. still in the dumps, huh? landing on the lawn in an autogyro. you've been acting so strangely since you returned. i'mi'm worried. i haven't bothered to ask you any questionsi if you have, it isn't too late. you know how i feel about him. but i want to make you happy. you gave me such a scareiwhen i couldn't find you. what is it, darling? i haven't seen you cry since you were a baby. this must be serious. who is he? oh, come now ridiculous! well, what are we going to do about it? where is he? i'd like to have a talk with him. well, under the circumstances, don't you think we ought to call this thing off? but that's silly, child. seeing how you feel, why is that his name? peter warne! i suppose so. i leave for washington tonight. may be gone several weeks. thought perhaps you'd like to get this thing settled. show him in. mr. warne? come in. sit down. please understand me. when i say she didn't tell me anything about it, i mean not until a little while ago. she thinks you're entitled to anything you can get. and this is what you wantthirty-nine dollars and sixty cents? yes, i knowbut let me get this straight. you want this thirty-nine sixty in addition to the ten thousand dollars? the reward. you're a peculiar chap. the average man would go after the reward. all you seem to you were taken for a buggy ride? here you are. that's an evasion. do you love her? i asked you a question. do you love her? i just had a long talk with him. now, wait a minute, ellie that guy warne is o.k. he didn't want the reward. all he asked for was thirty-nine dollars and sixty cents . . . that's what he spent on you. it was a matter of principle with himsays you took him for a ride. he loves you, ellie. told me so. you don't want to be married to a mug like westley. i can buy him off for a pot of gold, and you can make an old man happy, and you wouldn't do so bad for yourself. if you change your mind, your car's waiting at the back gate. ooooooh.