what do you want? why don't you put me in chains? you can't tempt me. i hope you're not comparing yourself to napoleon. he was a strategist. your idea of strategy is to use a lead pipe. you'll never do it! you can't do it! you only met him once . you talk as if he were a gigoloor something. why not? look what he's doing for aviation. it takes courage to do what he does. and character! at least he's accomplished something worthwhile. i suppose you'd like to have me marry a business man. well, i hate business menparticularly if you're a shining example. your whole life is devoted to just one thing. to accumulate more money. at least there's romance in what he's doing. i'll shout to my heart's content! i'll scream if i want to. oh, thank you. thank you very much. when does the bus leave? thank you. are those seats reserved? yes. tell that man to drive slowly. i don't know what you're raving about, young man. and, furthermore, i'm not interested. oh, my heavens! it's gone! what happened? what am i going to do now? why, noi i don't want it reported! oh, i'm sorry everybody's gone. no, thank you. how much time have i? i'm going over to the windsor hotel. why, that's ridiculous! i was on that busi told them to wait! seems to me i've already thanked you for that. eight o'clock! why, that's twelve hours! don't tell me you did it on my account! you must have me confused with you're not going to notify my father, are you? if you play your cards right, you might get some money out of it. if you promise not to snap my head off, i'd like to thank you. here, boy! a box of chocolates, please. of course i do. what do you mean now, just a minuteyou can't oh, you did? what am i expected to doleap for joy? your ego is colossal. now isn't that just too cute? there's a brain behind that face of yours, isn't there? you've got everything nicely figured out, for yourself, including this. you're not really serious about this, are you? you haven't got a trumpet by any chance, have you? do you mind putting out the light? peter warne? i don't like it. why, you sweet thing, you. where'd you get it pressed? i can't go out like this. like this. i have no robe. where is the shower? i met some very interesting women at the showers. we got to chatting about this and that. you know how time files. i saw the little pussinfoos girl. she's turned out quite a charming creature. very outspoken, too. said i looked funny. wasn't that cute? well, i hope you're not going to dictate whom i can talk to. thank you. must be the spring. he apologized for last night. thanks. yes, you do. you think i'm a fool and a spoiled brat. perhaps i am, although i don't see how i can be. people who are spoiled are accustomed to having their own way. i never have. on the contrary, i've always been told what to do and how to do it and where and with whom. would you believe it? this is the first time i've ever been alone with a man! it's a wonder i'm not panic stricken. thanks. nurses, governesses, chaperones, even body-guards. oh, it's been a lot of fun. it has its moments. it got to be a sort of game to try to outwit father's detectives. ii did it once; actually went shopping without a body-guard. it was swell. i felt absolutely immoral. but it didn't last long. they caught up with me in a department store. i was so mad i ran out the back way and jumped into the first car i saw. guess who was in it? kingking westley was in it. um-hm. we rode around all afternoon. father was frantic. by 6 o'clock he was having all the rivers dragged. thanks, professor. i'd change places with a plumber's daughter any day. he didn't make a pass at me! i told you a million times! well, you were! yeah, and gotten yourself arrested! you weren't so bad yourself. next week "east lynne." how about cinderellaor a real hot love story? you always want to run everything. i refuse to resign! you'd better rest. it's been a hard trip, hasn't it? she'll be all right, soon's she gets something to eat. here, boyfirst town we come to, buy some food. poor old shapeley. you shouldn't have frightened him like that. yes, i noticed he was getting a little fat lately. not as long as i'm alive. what do you meanstarvation? why, haven't you? you didn't give that boy all your money? never! i'll get to new york if i have to starve all the way. to new york? i'm following you. it's the first time i've ridden "piggy-back" in years. of course it is. yes. that's silly. and rich people have none of those qualifications, i suppose. you're prejudiced. we're not going to sleep out here, are we? i'll get my clothes all wrinkled. i don't want it now. i wasbut i was so scaredthat it scared do you know? what? you sound like a hobo. doesn't sound very exciting. what are you thinking about? what'd you say we're supposed to be doing? well, you've given me a very good example of the hiking if it's just the same to you, we'll sit right here till they come. hayin my teeth. needn't rub it in. raw? i hate the horrid stuff. what if nobody stops for us? you're an expert, i suppose. there's no end to your accomplishments. tch! tch! i'm sorry for the poor things. clever. you figured that all out yourself, huh? amazing. when you get up to a hundred, wake me up. yes. but look at all the fun you had. you're such a smart aleck! nobody can do anything but you. i'll show you how to stop a carand i won't use my thumb. mind your own business. you might give me a little credit. i proved once and for all that the limb is mightier than the thumb. we don't need forty cars. never! what'd you give him for the car? what about money? that's swell! i couldn't arrive in new york at three in the morning. everybody's in bed. is that the walls of jericho going up? thank you. why not? no harm in your coming to see us. peter, have you ever been in love? haven't you ever wanted to fall in love? yes. haven't you thought about it at all? seems to me you could make some girl wonderfully happy. husband? isn't he here? why, you can't put me out in the middle of the but can't you wait until morning can i use your telephone? i want to talk to new york. sorry. must have been day-dreaming. oh, yes. i heard. nothing. on the road. i don't know very much about him. he despises everything i stand for. he thinks i'm spoiled and pampered, and selfish, and thoroughly insincere. he doesn't think so much of you either. he blames you for everything that's wrong about me. thinks you raised me stupidly. it's no use, dad. i practically threw myself at him. no, i'll go through with it. it doesn't matter. yes. peter warne. oh, please, dad are you going to see him? thanks, mary. that's just what i need. finefine! have him come in. it's up to you now. i want our life to be full of excitement, king. we'll never let up, will we? never a dull moment. we'll get on a merry-go-round and never get off. promise you'll never let me get off? it's the only way to live, isn't it? no time to think. we don't want to stop to think, do we? just want to keep going. i heard about your stunt. that's swell, king. just think of itthe groom lands on the lawn with a plane. it's a perfect beginning for the life we're going to lead. it sets just the right tempo. congratulations. why don't you stay and watch the fun? you'll enjoy it immensely.