i'm not going to stand for this any longer. in a pig's eye, you will! well, bratwhat do you say! i once knew a chap who kept his hat on until he was completely undressed. sixseveneightnine she says she saw your sister ethel the other day, and she's looking swell. whome? you can't be hungry and scared at the same time. comical part of it is, it isn't what you want at all. in a couple of weeks you'll be looking for the nearest exit i just want to be let alone, that's all. life's swell if you don't try too hard. most people want to get a strangle-hold on it. they're not living. they're just feverish. all right, brat. yep! the walls of jericho. not interested. certainly i've been thinking about it. boy, if i could ever find a girl who's hungry for those things