you made no mistake sitting next to me. that's pretty good . . . well, shut my big nasty mouth! take this last town i was in. i run into a damenot a bad looker, eitherbut boy, was she an iceberg! every time i opened my kisser she pulls a ten strike on me. it sure looked like cold turkey for old man shapeley. i sell office supplies, see? and this hotsy-totsy lays the damper on me quick. she don't need a thingand if she did she wouldn't buy it from a fresh mugg like me. well, says i to myselfshapeley, you better go to work. you're up against a lulu. well, i'm here to tell you, sister, i opened up a line of fast chatter that had that dame spinnin' like a russian dancer. before i got through she bought enough stuff to last the firm a year. and did she put on an act when i blew town! yessir. when a cold mama gets hotboy, how she sizzles! she kinda cramped my style, though. i didn't look at a dame for three towns. but i don't go in for that kinda stuffmuch. i like to pick my fillies. take you, for instance. you're my type. no kiddin' sister. i could go for you in a big way. "fun-on-the-side shapeley" they call me, and the accent is on the fun, believe you me. huh? what's the idea? hello, sister. sorry about last night. didn't know you were married to that guy. shoulda told me about it right off. hey, what's this? wearing papa's things? now that's cute. that's what i call real lovey-dovey. yessir. okay. i was just trying to make conversation. like to have a look at my paper? travelin' like this, you kinda lose track of what's goin' on in the world. if you wanna get anywhere nowadays, you gotta keep in touch with all the news, is what i always say. it's a lotta dough. if i was to run across that dame, you know what i'd do? i'd go fifty-fifty with you . cause i'm a guy that don't believe in hoggin' it, see? a bird that figures that way winds up behind the eight ball, is what i always say. huh? oscar shapeley. orange, new jersey. yeah. just babies. no. gee! that musta been terrible. sure. anything you say.