there you gotrustin' people again. how many times did i tell you yeah. they're all upright till they walk out on you. mebbe. i told you! i told you, you couldn't trust him! he's gone! that feller last night, that's who! he was gonna stay a week, huh? well, he's skipped. took the car with him, too. we wouldn't have known a thing about it until morning if i hadn't took that magnesia. see that. they're gone! where's your husband, young lady yesif he is your husband. no, he ain't! and the car's gone, too. yeah? what makes you think so! he took his suitcase and everything. serves you right. oughta be careful who you take up with on the road. you can't go plyin' your trade in my camp. ain't gonna wait a minute. better start gettin' into your clothes. you ain't gonna stick me for no phone calls. you can go down to the sheriff's office. funny couple, ain't they? if you ask me, i don't believe they're married. they made me get 'em a rope and a blanket, on a night like this. what do you reckon that's for? but what in the world do they want a trumpet for?