lyle? because he's not. what's that? where're the italians? not yet. my office. fine. i'm fine, fine. you've become quite the philosopher since you quit drinking. no, i'm glad. makes you a better thief. hope i get to fire it up. if steve's italians are a no-show, it's three months prep down the shitter and i've dragged you out of retirement for nothing. ain't you sweet. your italians. dixie cups? let's get rich. sweet jesus. you could've. i had big shoes to fill. what're you talking about? you've lived the life. stella's a beautiful girl. what the hell do you think you're doing? you're not thinking this through. it's a stupid move. if you would have told me that i would spend the next three years searching for steve bandell, i would have said that was nothing. cause i would have spent a lifetime looking for that bastard if i had to. hi, stella. yeah. you did. i found him. i can tell you where he is. are you sure? he's in los angeles. the gold bricks he stole from us were minted in singapore and decorated with the face of a balinese girl. i've had my tentacles out and got a call from a friend of mine and your father's, philly steak. he got word from an l.a. connection named skinny pete that a gold dealer has been buying bricks with the balinese girl on them, three or four at a time. i tracked steve down to an address in the hollywood hills. he's changed his last name to frezelli. and get this: he had a worthington 1000 installed in the house before he even moved in. we both know that you don't install a worthington 1000 unless you have something precious to guard. we boosted that gold from a terrorist group that was about to trade it for bio-weapons. now that doesn't exactly make us robin hood, but maybe in our own little way we were doing a good deed. problem is, no one in my crew can handle that safe. and i need someone i can trust. what i heard is that you have your father's touch. and he was the only safecracker i knew who could open a worthington 1000. you're john bridger's daughter. and this is our chance to set things right. no, it won't. i'm working on it. gotta have her. important piece of the puzzle. doing ten long at levinworth. chemo. found jesus. she has the skill. and the motivation. it's emotional for all of us at this point. don't kid yourself. i think your date's going pretty well, what do you think? what do you mean? i come here all the time. sure. lawyers, judges, my kind of crowd. see that gentleman there, he sentenced me to 90 days in county once. we need to talk. hey, i paid valet parking prices to get in here, not to mention a twenty spot to the busboy to spill that drink on mister zipper. actually, you paid for it. didn't notice it was me who bumped into you earlier, did you? anyway, i was hoping we could get to know each other a little better before we leave for los angeles. i already booked your flight. i have no idea what you just said, but i like the sound of it. charlie -- i'm beginning to worry about this whole relationship. john wasn't just a man i crewed up with, he was my friend, he was the closest thing to a father i ever had. i wish to god i could bring him back. but all i can do is go after this guy, the guy that killed him, and hit him where he lives. oh, sorry. i was just undressing you with my eyes. hello. i see drive defensively is your motto. by the way you drive, i'm not surprised you named your car after a bottle of whiskey. left. another left. the possibilities are endless. we're a little early. i didn't expect us to get here quite that fast. there. that's lyle. gearhead. he's who really invented napster. at least that's how lyle tells it. half-ear. explosives. he lost fifty percent of his hearing in the fifth grade. one m-80 in the toilet bowl too many. handsome rob. premier wheel man. he once drove all the way to l.a. just so he could set the record for longest freeway chase. smashed the mark by twelve minutes. he got a hundred and ten love letters sent to his jail cell from women who saw him on tv. i've been a thief since i had baby teeth. this is stella. she's working with us on this one. ids? enough of this sewing-circle shit. phones. we travel to l.a. separately. this is stella bridger. and we're finishing the job that we started in italy. we need an in to get a video blueprint of the interior. we're not going into this place blind. half-ear, you take the first surveillance shift. who goes in, who goes out, levels of security, you know the drill. i also want audio surveillance on his phone. how long? we need to know how long to get from the house to union station downtown. stella. how much time will you need with the safe? housekeeper leaves at 17:30. what's your guesstimate? then we'll travel like rockefeller. when cars first started catching on, workers on tall ladders would use these swiveling colored boards for traffic signals. now whenever rockefeller would take the drive from his mansion to his office on wall street, the workers would make sure that he got green boards all the way. lyle? we'll never get by the guard unless they're certain it's legit. i'm thinking cable tv. we cut his cable, he calls the cable company. we show up. send a cable technician into the house with a pinhole video camera while we get a feed through an rf antenna. are you up for it? when's the appointment? yes, i'm calling from adelphia cable. i understand your service is out and an appointment was set up for thursday. well we have a technician working in your area who finished with an appointment earlier than expected. will someone be there for the next hour? our technician will see you then. have a nice day. let's check the camera. he's got cable lines in the kitchen, living room, bedroom and a cable modem on the computer in the office. try to get a 360 look at each room. and walk slowly or the image will streak. how you doing? you know what fine, stands for? fucked- up, insecure -- i know it was tough in there. i know. when steve leaves friday night, we go in. by the time he realizes you've stood him up, we'll be long gone with the gold. looks like that went without a hitch. lyle, what's the distance from the front door to the vault? lyle? i'm not calling you the napster. that's only cause he is handsome rob. how far? the napster. so here's the riddle. how do we get over a ton of gold from the vault to the getaway car? minis? how are our matchbox cars? i got us spots for three cars on a car carrier and five first class seats. train 59 from union station to new orleans. what's the word on rockefeller? what can i do to help? i have no idea what you're doing. just do it fast. yeah. are you making this shit up? yeah? radio check. this is it, guys. moment of truth. shit. stella? you'll have to fake it. laugh at his jokes. you need him to ask you out again. something wrong, steve? you look like you want to call ghostbusters. you can wear that shit-eating grin on your face, but i know under that versace shirt you're in a cold sweat. and you're not going to sleep a minute tonight. cause you thought you'd gotten away with it free and clear. you thought you'd gotten rid of us. you're the one who's screwed. right to the wall. get more guards. change the alarm. buy a dozen ferraris. we'll still be here. sleep tight. confirmed? how'd we miss the first calls? not so fast. this is good news for us. sometimes when you're up to your ass in alligators you forget that you started off trying to drain the swamp. we've been trying to get to the gold in the safe. now the safe is coming to us. we'll boost it in transit. we're already set to do it. napster: how would you like to create the biggest traffic jam in the history of los angeles? you gridlock every route except the one we choose. force the truck to go exactly where we want it to go. but not outsmarted. we'll do it like the italian job. we'll make thirty million in gold drop out of sight. who else has this number? hello? philly steak. do what? clip him? what're you talking about? we didn't clip anybody. why does he think that? do you know how to get in touch with him? maybe there's a way we can play this to our advantage. still hope for that nobel prize. no shit. i thought you dropped out of high school. how'd you manage that, all the jobs we've been pulling? good for you. that's a real feather in your cap. secret's safe with me. napster. how goes it up there? over. you okay? now? take all the time you need. what is it? shit. decoys. it's like a shell game on wheels. you can monitor the traffic video cameras from your laptop, right? where's the first camera the trucks will go past? the weight of the gold will lower the suspension on the truck. gridlock time. gentlemen, start your engines. give us the flag when you're ready. nice work. let's get our gold. stella? don't you want to see what's inside? trust me. you wanna look. split up! if you don't like how i'm driving, get off the damn sidewalk. going up? i want to make a toast. cause there's somebody missing here today, and we all know who it is. to john bridger. the most brilliant master planner of them all. we wish he was with us. new ids. did you get what you wanted? it was good doing business with you. we did it. there's something i've been meaning to ask you, stella. but i've just been so busy lately, what with the explosion, car chase, ukrainians and all. it's about that thing you said to me back in philadelphia. you said that you can't have a relationship with a pickpocket, gold robber, or any kind of thief. do you still believe that? well i was wondering. what about a retired pickpocket, gold robber, thief?