a book. it's called reading. you should try it some time. well here's something even you can relate to. albert got a lotta trim. that genius thing is a babe magnet. i'm done. over. wha'? 220 pounds? try 180. philly steak says these are clean as a whistle. he also got us four dozen internal chips with different numbers. change out the chips twice a day. holy shit. it's about time. you got it. we've got an anti-scaling fence. hardened, electroplated steel. hacksaw won't work. we'll need nitramon. armed guard. 9mm semi-automatic in the holster. security booth is accessible and ideal for a triple charger chemical grenade. shit. dogs. why do black men hate dogs? i'll tell you why, charlie. because dogs are racist. that's a natural fact. someone else deal with 'em. you gotta ride the metro-rail, man. did you know that the first traffic signal to be patented was invented by a black man named garrett morgan? you're not the only one who watches the history channel. here's our spot. philly steak said we'd be frisked. that's right. that's really not what i'm here to talk about. philly steak said you could get us some supplies. a four inch can of nitramon. nitramon primer. detonating cord. two triple charger chemical grenades. launcher. skinny pete. what do you think? drive slow. we crash and we're a crater. suitcase. christ. that wasn't my idea. that's n'or'lins, yankee. she's coming with us. you got a problem with that? no one but us. did you know einstein's 7th grade teacher told him he was a moron who'd never amount to anything? same as mine. not me, man. but i did get my college diploma. got my ged after italy then just kept going. quit going to strip clubs. went to night school instead. city college is all. i didn't want to say anything to the guys. ah huh. just need a moment's meditation. i'm about to insert a wire into a detonator tube and if the wire touches the sides of tube, we'll be blown to kingdom come. best to be at one with yourself. my work here is done. well like einstein almost said: genius is ten percent inspiration, ninety percent detonation. what are you doing? what -- are -- you -- doing? go that way! 250_pounds?