lyle is fixing glitches on his computer program. stella is doing her nails. charlie looks at her. lyle speaks into his headset: maddening frustration. lyle hits the keyboard and lines of measurements appear across the image of the brink's truck. he strikes another key, momentarily freezing the image. he makes a visual check of the top of the armored truck against the cahuenga boulevard street sign. lyle controls the system now. a single mouse click loads his new algorithm into the computer and -- lyle quickly types out some words and lyle's fingers dance across the keyboard. via a traffic video camera, lyle sees on his laptop the gold truck, followed by two motorcycles, making the turn onto north highland. he's striking keys, an orchestral conductor, the crew his audience. lyle has hacked into the metro rail's control system. starts his magic. his laptop shows a group of still circles that represent the stalled metros. through his sideview mirror, lyle eyes the progress of the gold truck. he gives the word: the gold truck getting closer. the gold truck is almost alongside the u-haul.