i've got the orbital data and sv clock corrections for each satellite that gets the signal. that'll make my reading as solid as the precise positioning service that only the d.o.d. can use. we're talkin' 100 meter horizontal accuracy, 156 meter vertical accuracy, .340 nanoseconds time accuracy. i do need one more thing, charlie. someone to turn the goddamn homing device on. no signal, no score. for those about to rock, we salute you. copy that. enjoy the ride, cowboy. get ready. 3. 2. 1. drop. melvin lisp? could i -- just once -- have a cool name? i don't even have a cool nickname. you still haven't told us the most important thing. what exactly is the job, charlie? and who exactly is she? i'll hack into the phone company's central office remote observance monitoring system and fool it into thinking there's a legal tap on the line. reroute the digital copies of his calls to our own listening post. i'll burn through the night, have it up and running before morning. advent home navigator hybrid system. monitors 132 points for intrusion, fire, and environmental hazards. best way around it is to get a back door password, trip the alarm during the heist, then call it in as a false alarm. 15:25. there he is. he's gained 15 to 20 pounds living off our money. and handsome rob, you're going to be pissed when you see his wheels. let me see what i can do. carpet cleaners? gutter cleaners? flower delivery? i'm telling you. he claims he named it napster because his hair is so nappy underneath that cap of his. but i know the real reason. it's because i was napping when he stole the idea from me. i should've been on the cover of wired magazine. i'm the napster. becky. nice name. i wonder what she calls the other one. i had a girlfriend. unfortunately even though the relationship ceased in an objective reality, it's still going on in my mind. that woman's lived in here rent-free for four years. okay. all we need now is a work shirt like this one and a service truck like that one. you think stella will be able to pull it off? maybe he's been inserting his hard drive into her software. clouds the judgment. where you going? whoa. i've never heard the muzak version of purple haze before. thursday between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. stella, you're going patriotic today. i printed these up to look like paperwork from adelphia. when you're done, ask him to sign and date the bottom. now. you call him half-ear. and him, handsome rob. and i'm the napster. five hundred yards. only six feet. do i get to drive one? why not? but he ran into me. the traffic control center is on the top floor of a building on olympic and grand. they get their data from pavement loop detectors and video image vehicle detectors. that info is fused together by specially designed algorithms to predict traffic conditions and control the traffic lights. so all i have to do now is change the data by creating my own algorithm. i need to hard-wire into the mainframes. b4 x ttratio, where bi are fisher's linear discriminant function coefficients, spdrat is the speed ratio, and ttratio is the travel time ratio. we own this place. charlie. steve called to confirm a 7:30 reservation at ago's. and as for your getaway, not even rockefeller had it so good. check. for those about to rock, we salute you. how do you figure? well we scared him alright. he's flying the coop. his security guard called brink's armored car service to confirm a 5 p.m. pick up at his house, then jetclub to confirm a md11 cargo plane departing from the imperial terminal at lax at 8 p.m. they must have been cellular. the cargo plane is being chartered to mexico city. keep talking. working on the metro rail system. almost ready. how can i reroute the truck if i don't know which truck to reroute? how're we going to figure out which truck has the gold? yeah. cahuenga boulevard. they all have to cross that. lines up with the top of the sign. next. first two are the same. that's our truck! license plate opening up a space on north highland. he's taking it. i now command you to turn left. i've got it on hollywood boulevard. time to slow down. shutting down the rail as we speak. tunnel's clear. go! coming into position. five. four. three. two. one. do it. where are you going? how about far, far away? simon quackenbush? could i -- just once -- have a cool name? is this seat taken?