my cousin yevhen was beaten to death. that's what i'm going to find out. i'll hack off his limbs and bury him while he's still alive. $2000. and this is the new girl. fresh off the bus. one of danya's guys picked her up hitchhiking downtown. they're all yours saturday. you can do whatever you want to her. her name is karen. i needed a fast answer. you talked to this skinny pete? do you know who i am? yes. and you are gonna be straight with me and everything's gonna be okay. you fuck with me, i will be ruthless. i don't want you to understand. i want you to overstand. because if you don't overstand, i will use this. someone was asking about gold bars with a balinese girl's face on them. i want the name of this man. he's going to be on train 59 for new orleans. i'm sure. take out your gun and drop it on the floor. you knew my cousin. yevhen. get in the trunk. not that trunk, this one. that gold is for us. a gift from some old friends of yours. they said to tell you that they didn't mind sharing the box of cracker jack, as long as you didn't get any. not even the toy surprise. don't worry. that wasn't the deal. i'm not going to shoot you. he really thought i was going to shoot him. no. no. i'm not going to shoot you. i'm going to hack off your limbs and bury you while you're still alive. i'm happy.