why can't he talk like a person? patience. don't worry, they'll come through. you can trust these guys. charlie! yup. dixie cups. i toss 'em away if there's a problem down the road. anyone acts stupid and his brains go on the windshield. sorry charlie. but i want the box of cracker jack all to myself. think so? well you're the brilliant one. the master planner. isn't that so, john? you bet on the wrong horse. no regrets, dixie cup. is the camera off? the cable's out. see if you can get someone over here to fix it'. it's all right. they won't bother you now. i'm steve. yeah. course. this way. i'll show you. the cable guy who hooked this up weighed about 300 pounds, didn't wear any underwear, and his pants slung a little too low if you know what i mean. is it fixed? perfect. have we met before? you read my mind. i know what you meant. this might seem a little sudden, but. would you like to have dinner with me? why? is there some kind of cable- rule against dating customers? then i guess i'll have to sabotage my cable over and over again until you get to know me better. look, i'm just talking about dinner. friday night. it's no big deal. if you don't like me, you never have to see me again. you know i'm not going to stop until you say yes. and i'm in a hurry, okay? that a fact? and i'd love to hear more about it, but like i said. on its way? your cousin? he's on his way? the tape's off? yevhen. didn't i tell you, many times, that i never wanted to meet with anyone but you? and a middleman is supposed to stay in the middle. what you are, is a dixie cup. so here's what i have lined up for after dinner. we'll go to club deep. the ferrari always gets me to the front of the line. we'll do a little dancing. why the curfew? i understand. you have nothing to worry about. you can trust me. that's an interesting saying. there's only person i've ever heard say that. used to say it all the time. a man named john bridger. where did you pick up that phrase? john bridger was a thief. and he had a daughter. about your age. he told me that she took over a safe and lock company that he used as a front. no wonder i liked you right away. just like i liked your old man, right up until the moment i shot him in the head. now tell me who you're working with and tell me the plan. do it now or we'll go for a ride and i'll break every bone in your body. fine by me. but it's you that has the problem. you've just blown the one thing you had going in your favor, the element of surprise. and i was surprised. jesus christ when i saw all you guys come out of the woodwork. for a minute i thought maybe you were ghosts. but you're screwed now. did you figure out how to take care of my security guard? i'll hire five more. you know how to bypass my alarm system? i'll have a new one installed tomorrow. does it tear you up inside seeing what car i drive? i'll buy a matching one in red. you think you can crack my safe? you'll end up the same way as your dad. looks like good time charlie's got the blues. give it your best shot. i'll outsmart you every step of the way. and this time, i'll bury you myself. what the hell? sonovabitch. the truck's in the metro rail. where does the blue line go back above ground? who are you? i never knew anyone named yevhen. please. don't shoot me. please. thank you. thank god.