you're right on time. all those poor bastards out there putting their life savings in banks and s&ls and mutual funds. what do they think -- that when the collapse comes they can depend on the government? i don't think so. of course. just like you said. i never tape you, you can see for yourself. governments are nothing more than puppets on the strings of the trilateral commission with their twisted gods. i mean, it's so obvious that in a world where nafta can overturn the supreme court, not to mention microsoft's nefarious financial machinations, this, is our only refuge; gold. plus a little walking around money. you're early. of course the florida vote rigging was a cia and mob operation. you want facts? fact: cia officials were allowed free -- and illegal -- access to official election material. now given the sordid history in miami of joint ventures between central intelligence and the mob, which led to the unsuccessful attempts to kill fidel castro and the successful assassination of your president john f. kennedy, this conjunction raises numerous red flags. don't worry, we'll have you out in no time. the cash is on its way. my cousin is bringing it over. yes. cousin mashkov. don't worry, he will be here any minute. of course. believe me, he doesn't want to be on video, either. i know. but it's his cash. he uses me to launder money. i'm just a middleman. but you were early. please. don't worry. it will be fine. my cousin's a cool guy. like i am. dixie cup?