william? william, can you hear me? i've given you some drugs to help with your adjustment. well, your condition's pretty serious. i'm just looking at you. does that make you uncomfortable? you said you couldn't remember killing officer harrison. correct? it's not my job to believe you. it's ok, harold. it's ok. no. i don't think you do either. but neither of us can do anything about that. becker barely nods and starks is trussed in the jacket with metal clamps. becker writes some details down, presumably about starks' treatment. take him out of it. william. william, can you hear me? i'm glad to see you're cooperating this time, mr. starks. no. that's not necessary. let him go. i said, let him go! the only thing your mind is missing is a conscience. i'm fine. then don't. what about starks? should we be what? trying to change him any way we can? yes. it's christmas eve, justin. don't you have somewhere to be? you left him in all night? don't get all worked up, justin. i expected some common sense on your part and clearly i was expecting too much. just open the drawer. well, what are we gonna do about it now? no. get him upstairs. he's recovering on the third floor. then how would you describe him, beth? merely rebellious? and you know that from what, a couple two-minute stares across a room? you sure you want to begin making that kind of insinuation? i took five stitches during a routine therapy session. yes, they are. jesus, you really don't let up, do you? just because you failed your patient doesn't necessarily mean the rest of us did, too. sorry to tarnish your war hero's image, but he is psychotic. now, if you'll excuse me, it's christmas, and i have a family i'd like to see. i said the drugs were to help you sleep. did you sleep well? yes. you were. you were asleep for nearly a whole day. it's december 26th, william. that's right, william. yes. and that's the sun and you're on earth. and i know you know better. in where? we were forced to use restrains if that's what you're referring to. actually, that's exactly what our equipment is. relax. of course you're not. you're just suffering from delusions that are unfortunately part of your condition. i had a patient a few years ago. his name was ted casey. i wasn't pausing to see if you did. but, incidentally, you should, because you're birds of a feather. ted raped and sodomized a seven-year old girl. his lawyers asked me to have a look at him because, after his deeds were done. he climbed into the trees of the forest where he killed her and woofed like a dog. he couldn't even remember his name when i spoke to him, but, curiously enough, he could speak back. ted never went to prison because everyone -- including me -- was convinced he was sick. so he came here. then one day a little girl came with her mother to visit a relative and i caught ted stealing looks at her -- the kind you really have to steal if you know what i mean. i asked ted then if he could remember what the little girl who he had. slain . was wearing. he gave me a look i'll never forget, and, when he answered, it wasn't with a color or any sort of physical description i'd expect. "oh yes," he said. "i remember it. i remember it well." those were actually his last words i think. maybe not. but i do think you're in a tree. woofing like a dog. and i'm just trying to help you the only way i can think of. i was careless. happens sometimes. mr. starks, this session is for our civil patients. damon, please take mr. starks back to his ward. starks cuts him off and threatens with his gaze. fine, mr. starks. you can pull up a chair for yourself. mr. jensen, please continue. the organization. for the organized? no, mr. jensen. i have not. and how is that? sit down, mr. starks! sit down, mr. starks! sit down, mr. jensen! at least it's some kind of bars we've got you behind. hello, william. i understand you've been asking for me almost every hour. i would've been here sooner but you gave our little state visitor quite a bit to talk to me about. it is. but when it comes down to it, you just have to patient with them. they'd rather have their vacation, too, so they just push dealing with our "practices" off to the new year. temporarily. and what's that? yes. you killed him? i think. i have to think about it. i think your story needs a little fleshing out before it's ready to go. i'll say a prayer for you in church today, starks. maybe the gods can pick up where the medicine left off. i've managed to every sunday of my life. some of us are god- fearing men, starks. means we believe in doing his work and fear what the world would be like if we didn't at least try to. you in here. works like a drug. who are you? you're his son? how. how are you here? you died, starks. years ago, in the hospital. no. i didn't. i swear i didn't. i probably helped push you to kill yourself, but i didn't do it. i don't know how you died. the last time i put you in the jacket was just after you told me you remembered killing that police officer. i know. i knew that when you came out. because. because you came out and said something you couldn't have possibly have known. you came back and repeated three names. of people like you. people i was just trying to help. they couldn't get worse so i thought, with medication, they might get. it was part of the treatment i intended. i didn't know what the effects would be. the three of you weren't regular patients. you were criminals that ended up at alpine grove. you and the others didn't seem that way then. what is it? how did you come to know their names? i don't understand. i didn't put you in alpine grove.