where's william starks. are you kidding me? he's not psychotic! he'll be a zombie in a few days, tom. his behavior's hardly suggested he needed neuroleptics. you sure he wasn't provoked? i'm sure he took some, too. he's not gonna end up like casey, tom. whatever happened to him is not going to "happen" to starks. i don't know what you're trying to do here . but he's not a lab animal, tom. you can't reprogram him no matter the drugs or the treatment. hey. you're not supposed to be out here. starks stiffens as he realizes he could be in the place where his body was found. the terrible question asks itself on his face: is this when starks is killed? well. i guess i'd ask you why. you're not crazy. you suffer from delusional disorder. that doesn't mean you're. crazy. it just means you're confused. and you're here, instead of in jail, because that was determined to have played a role in your killing of a police officer. you were convicted of the crime. you may never remember at all. your mind's grasp of reality and the real events that have happened to you has been damaged. william, i'd like to ask you something if i can. i could try to. make it stop. so it's helping? starks it's making me feel like a different person. you should be careful. you could be killed if they found you out here. i wish they'd skip the formality of this annual review and just cut our budget. our silence on the matter should be enough to appease the civic conscience without wasting an hour we don't have. it's the ticking of a box on a sheet of paper no one cares about. what should they be looking for? where? it's becker isn't it? he's doing stuff, isn't he? hello. i'm beth lorenson. it's nice to meet you, mr. starks. and you are? i think we'll be fine from here. thanks, stanley. my god you look exactly like him. yeah, i did. he was my most memorable patient. at the end, he made me change my mind about a lot of things. no. i don't think he was crazy. he needed help. but he wasn't crazy. your father actually helped me with a case of mine. i was working with a boy named eugene. it's complicated, but in a way, your father let me know how i'd get through to him. he just said. that i'd shock eugene and then things would change for him. i still don't either, even after all these years. i don't know. i was. but i saw a lot of cuts and a lot of blows. i'm sorry i don't know more about your father's. i didn't know about everything that went on here. how do you know about dr. becker? that's right. he did. so maybe dr. becker would know. but, as i'm sure you know, the statute of limitations has run out for charging the hospital with any liabilities. i see you've done your homework. alpine grove's undergone a lot of changes since then. at the time, we didn't have the. resources to help our patients the way we needed to. now, we do. and things are different. it's important for you to know who your father was, isn't it? well. let me know how your search turns out. you'll die if you keep smoking those in your condition. i can't try to help you unless you let me. i know about the jacket. i'm sorry for what you were put through, and i'm sorry i couldn't stop it earlier. but i promise you that i will from now on. what do you mean? no, i do. that's what i'm saying to you. how can you say that in your physical condition? do you realize that it's because you were put in it that you're as. weak as you are now? becker's a man who's not well himself. then help me understand. you know, you're not alone. a lot of gulf vets have begun to experience curious symptoms. what you have might well be a syndrome and, if so, it's not one we know enough about to be treating it this vigorously. where is that from? come on. tell me what you do know. well, what time is it? ok fine. tell me about it. tell me about the future. 2004. what does it look like? the future doesn't look different? what about the world? do you think you're traveling in time? is that it? like who? like mackenzie maybe? mackenzie locked himself up in his house for two months and nearly starved himself to death before he was brought here. all because his wife left him for another man. why don't you help me? why not? and how do you know that? william, that is just another facet of my delusions. how do you know about eugene? there obviously is, so what don't you just tell me how you found out about him. i don't know how you know about eugene, but these ideas are part of your delusions. one thing's got nothing to do with the other. nina, william starks is to stay in icu all night. if anything is supposed to change, i want to be called about it. hi. sorry i'm late. talia, i need to ask you something. have you told anyone about my sessions with eugene? has anyone been asking about him? eugene, this is a "train." come on back down here. wherever you are. try to come on back. you'll like it, i promise. i know. i know it all. save your strength. i already know everything you're going to say. you're in the jacket right now, aren't you? you told me this was how it happened. yeah. you have nothing to fear, william. a cup of coffee would be great, sally. thanks. i hope so. you're going to be ok, william. we just need to get your fever down and we'll be able to hopefully stabilize you. what for? i'm not gonna let that happen. i do believe you. william, i can't indulge these delusions, even when you're in this state. who told you this? what are you talking about? hey. come on eugene, try to say it with me. this is a "dog". are you having a seizure? is that really what's going on? you ok, eugene? no, but he is having seizures. sure. it's an easy address. a little far out there, but easy enough. you want me to come with you?