where do you think you're going? you gonna answer me? if you're deaf, read my lips. i don't need a psycho following me today. good. i forgot my purse. in case you hadn't figured, it's christmas eve. you're never gonna get a cab here. all right. you got somewhere you need to go, mister? let me ask you that again. this time, look around and consider your options. you got somewhere you need to go, mister? great, get in. so, where do you want me to drop you? you don't have anywhere to stay? well, where are you from? of course you don't know. because in my life, it wouldn't make sense for me to pick up some normal guy with a place where he's from and a place where he's going to. it'd be too simple. i probably wouldn't know how to handle a situation like that. at least you're honest. that's some kind of start. that's great. you're not sure where you're from or where you're going, but at least you've got manners. well, you got a coat or something? well, how'd you get here? do you have a motel or something? money? well, don't you somewhere? stuff? belongings? all right, we'll get to my place and call around, see where i can take you. just don't think of trying anything. great. that was our last option. what am i going to do with you? where are you going? you'll freeze out there. you don't even have a coat. no, you won't. you'll die of cold out there and then i'll have to feel guilty. and i've already got more guilt than i know what to do with. do you want something to drink? shit! that was one of my good glasses! you know what? it's christmas eve. and you look clean -- i mean, you're normal-looking. it's christmas eve, and i have a couch. what's this? no, it's fine. thanks. you want a drink? this is pretty good. considering. yup. that's me. i do it. shit happens, and your life changes. 'bout the best explanation of a lot of things that happen. so how come you don't know where you're coming from? well, good for you. real is overrated. maybe. maybe not. sometimes i don't know the difference myself. and, you know something? i think i like it better that way. you want another one? you remember it? may be easy to remember, but not easy to get. being warm, maybe -- but, look, you don't even have a coat and i still have to chop wood to make a fire. and, being happy. you tell me if that's simple. so you never knew your mother? i'm sorry. never knew my father. i grew up with my mother. actually, i grew up around my mother. she was great though. i mean, the way she was with her friends. she was this woman who had so much life in her, she had to find ways to kill some of it just to be like the rest of us. she died young. she fucked herself up day after day and then, one day, she fell asleep with a burning cigarette. i came home from work and she was gone. yeah, me too. every day for the last ten years.