hi, i'm detective mark dargus. l.a.p.d. can i ask what you have in that bag? this is special agent ray nicolet with alcohol, tobacco, and firearms. would you mind if we looked in that bag? you have the right to say "no." and i have the right to make you wait here with ray while i go get a warrant. and if i don't want to go through all that trouble, i could just take you in on suspicion. i'd say there's about, oh, fifty thousand dollars here. what would you say ray? this is your money? you should know if you bring in anything over ten thousand you have to declare it. you forgot or what? you could get a two hundred and fifty thousand dollar fine, plus two years in prison. now you want to talk to us about it, or you want to talk to customs? hey, this is my office. there's no smoking. we could, smart ass. or we could work out what's known as a substantial assistance agreement. that is if you're willing to cooperate. tell us who gave you the money and who you're giving it to. can she afford a good one is the question. otherwise she'll be in sybill brand three weeks easy before the public defender gets around to her. if you don't want to talk to us, i guess we'll just have to hand you over to customs. you know, miss brown, there's basically three types of people that we come along in the performance of our duty. one is, innocent people. victims, witnesses, innocent bystanders. you ain't any of these. then there's two; criminals. these sonabitches have dedicated their lives to a life outside the law. that ain't you either. where you belong is the third category. the category we refer to as losers. oh, you're both? in 1985 you were flying for twa and got busted for carrying drugs. you were carrying them for a pilot husband of yours. he did time and you got off. but that ended your career with the big airlines. cut to thirteen years later. you're forty-four years of age. you're flying for the shittiest little shuttle-fucking piece of shit mexican airline that there is. where you make a whopping twelve-thousand dollars a year. that ain't a hulluva lot to show for a twenty year career. and to top it off, you're going to jail. now true, the judge, even with your prior, will probably only give you a year or two. but this doesn't seem like the time of life you got years to throw away. now, we don't like trying losers like they're criminals. but in the absence of a criminal, we will try you. now, wasn't this money given to you by an american living in mexico by the name of cedric walker? i'd like your permission to open this again. so we'll know exactly how much money we're talkin' about here. while you're at it, let me see what else is in there. you mind? what's in it? what's this? let's see what else is in there. oh, i wouldn't be so sure. what with all the cash, i think i could go with conspiracy to traffic. if she'll cooperate with us, we'll turn possession with intent into plain ol' possession, and she can bond outta here for one thousand bucks. if she doesn't help us, we'll go for the intent and request a twenty-five-thousand dollar bond. that's correct, your honor. yes, i do, your honor. based on the defendant's prior conviction and the extreme possibility of flight due to her occupation, the state requests a bond of no less than twenty-five thousand. come in. great, you're here. let me have a word outside with agent nicolet for a moment? thanks. go ahead. she wants to make a deal. she almost sounds scared. she wants to go back to work. she hasn't one into specifics yet, she's been waiting for you. she ain't said it, but she's not stupid, she knows it's you who wants her. help us do what? but now you're telling us now you do. you don't want much, do you? it's your call. how was your flight? bet you're happy to be working again. we are. don't worry about it. what time do you have to be there? what's her name? she leaves, somebody'll be on her. can i have a word with you? he's dead. does he have the marked bills on him? why were you with him? how'd you know where he was? and you didn't tell the police?