who's your partner? i can sit through it once. i'm impressed. he knows a lot. sure. four days ago. susanville. two months shy of four years. uh-huh. bank robbery. what's your cost? are you serious? that's good money. then what? i'm going to wait in the car. which one is for the car? what do i do? okay. hello. oh, i dunno. watching tv. nothin' really. just kinda goin' back and forth. they had some black girl from some black show on jay leno. i watched that for a bit, but i kept flippin channels cause i didn't know who she was. i dunno. the moon - i dunno you're outside? c'mon in. i'm in my underwear. who was that? who was beaumont? what did he do? yeah. i follow. i didn't look like a bum. is it ready to go? yeah, i'm just gettin' old. i can't smoke or laugh now it seems without coughing. way ahead of you. what's a metrix? it's a diet thing? no thanks. how old were you here? the roller disco one. you're fourteen years old here? i thought you were sixteen. were you a disco girl? so where did you go? no. detroit. we had done time together already. no. i don't like dancing. i went to a few just to meet women. but i don't like to dance, and it's so fuckin; loud. during that whole scene i just drank in bars. who didn't make the cut? you been to japan? you lived in japan, when? who's arm is that? must of made quite an impression. that sounds like a problem. sure. lies on the couch on his back and melanie sits on top of him. they're going at it like a couple of fuck monkeys. almost on the fade up, louis cums. yeah, that really hit the spot. he seems to be making out. yeah. i wouldn't go so far as to say that. so what are you trying to tell me? i should get out of here? no. does that bother you? you live with him. uh-huh? and your point is? uh-huh? how much is there? can i ask you about melanie? what's your relationship? she believed you? do you trust melanie? that's not what i meant when i asked did you trust her. yep. well, why the fuck keep her around? why do you let someone know your business you can't trust? what does that mean? i still don't understand why you keep her around. uh-huh. why we doin' i there? i was ready to leave ten minutes ago. well, she keeps saying 'in a minute.' we're leaving now! come on, goddammit, we're late! we shoulda been there already and we woulda been if it hadn't been for your fuckin' around! just stay right fuckin' here, all right? goddammit, not till i tell ya. what are you doin'? lemme have the bag. goddam you. gimme that bag, gimme that bag before i knock you out and take it. i'm carrying it. fuck you with your chill pill. yeah, down the end. this one. don't say anything else, okay? i'm telling you, keep your mouth shut. i mean it. don't say one fuckin' word. see, just where i fuckin' said it was! hey, look. i found it! it's louis. i got it. listen, there's something else i have to tell you. i haven't even looked at it yet, it's still in the shopping bag. that's what i got to talk to you about. you see, melanie was giving me a hard time - that's what i gotta tell you. she bugged me the whole time. got pissy with me 'cause i wouldn't let her carry the bag. started running her fuckin' mouth. i couldn't remember right away when we came out where the car was parked, so she got on me about that. "is it this aisle lou-is, is it that one?" she was totally fuckin' with my nerves. i shot her. i expect she's dead. twice. in the parking lot. you know how she is. maybe. but at that moment. i dunno. uh-huh. pretty sure. in the chest and stomach. what? how much it there? you said five hundred and fifty! look, that's the bag she came out with. she never even put her hand in it, and neither did i. the fitting room. it went down exactly the way it was supposed to. maybe a minute. she came right out. look, i swear to fucking god, she came out with that bag and i took it from her. we went to the parking lot. that's right. fuck you for asking me that. it's in there. what's that gonna tell you" if i was really pullin' a burn, i'd have taken two out, wouldn't i? i thought you trusted me. if she's got it, why didn't she take it all? maybe the feds got it. that's why i never checked it. the bag felt right. i don't know. either she has it or the feds. jesus christ. you know who i saw in the dress department? i didn't really think anything of it. no - i did wonder what he was doing there, but didn't think it had anything to do with us. you know like maybe he was there with his wife or girlfriend. max cherry. do max cherry and jackie brown know each other? how am i supposed to know that? why should i think anything's weird, if i don't know nothin' about them knowing each other? i ain't givin' you fuckin' excuses, i'm givin' you reasons. you best back off.