you know it's for you. hello. it's for you. it's boring, isn't it? he thinks he's joe gunn now. he's just repeating shit he overheard. he ain't any more a gun expert than i am. want a hit? when did you get out of jail? where at? how long? four years? what for? really, i'm impressed. four years that's a long fuckin time. it's beaumont. 'ola! hey, hey, hey. i think somebody's got some new clothes. it's that late? not if your ambition is to get high and watch tv. i was gonna tell you. yeah, there's another hit left. you okay? coughing opens up the capillaries. when you cough, you're getting air - in this case smoke - to parts of the lung that don't normally get used. coughing's good - gets ya higher. my dad coughs when he smokes all the time. no problem. want a metrix? it's like this major meal in a shake you drink instead of having a big meal. no, it's what body builders drink to beef up. which one? fourteen. yeah. i was pretty much the same height now as i was then. noooo, i was a surfer girl. besides, i was only fourteen. i couldn't go to discos. the beach. or get high, drop acid at a friend's place. i was a k.l.o.s. girl. i hated disco. that was taken at a place called "flippers." it was in hollywood. were you in l.a. back then? where were you? with ordell? were you a disco guy? c'mon, don't lie. did you ever go i one? that's a picture of me in japan. i lived there for about nine months. about five years ago. that's the guy i lived with. his name was. hir.hirosh. not really. we didn't have much to say to each other anyway. i never got to know him that well, but i knew enough to know i wasn't missing much. i keep that, because of all the fuckin' time i was there, that's the only picture i got of me in japan. that's japan. wanna fuck? that was fun. now that's over, let's get to know each other. is it dead? well, so far he is. but you have to admit he's not too bright. he moves his lips when he reads, what does that tell ya. let's say he's streetwise. i'll give 'im that. he's still a fuck-up. he killed a man worked for him the other night. that's not what i'm saying at all. you know where he went? he went to meet that stewardess. please. i live here. he drops in and out. he tell you about that half-million dollars he's got in mexico? course he did, he tells everybody who'll listen. that's what he's doin' with this stewardess. he's scheming how he can get it over here. let him and that stewardess get that money over here. hey! buy ya a beer? good luck. that guy's been in there since i got here. i know what you and ordell got goin'. you sit down and have a beer with me. i'll tell you a secret. great. . wanda! this lady is thirsty. what's on tap? better get me another sam's. join me in a jaeger shot? gimme one anyway. this time? almost a year. i've known him forever. he told me to go outside. "you may leave us now." it's all part of his pathetic attempt to be "the man." you know mr. walker don't you? mr. walker's my buddy. ask him about ordell. oh, man, listen. i'm sorry about that. i hope they don't come down on you on my account. ordell shoulda told you it was in your bag. you believe that? yeah, well, i guess you have to trust him. i'd have second thoughts on that, but then i know 'em. he killed a guy who works for him the other day. you already knew that? so tell me. having all that money in your flight bag - is it tempting? i tell you. if ordell ever sent me to carry in ten thousand dollars, that would be the last motherfuckin' time he saw me. the next trip you're gonna have over half-a-million. if you thought of cutting ordell out, i sure as hell wouldn't blame you. you think i'm kidding? you know how easy it would be? he won't be anywhere near that mall. pull one more switch, up front. that's it. half-a-million dollars. need help? what's that fucker ever done for us? chicken shit. chicken shit. all right already. are you getting that black suit? it looks good on you. you betcha. we coulda worked this. you know that, dontcha? you would've made out a lot better than you're going to, believe me. thanks. jesus christ, get a grip, louis. that's a nice outfit on her. i'm gonna go over and look at this michi moon display. are you sweating? job a little too much for you? i'll be over here. you're too conspicuous. i'm getting out of here. what do you think? fuck you. i can carry it. watch it, dipshit. you wanna rip the fuckin' bag? okay, okay. take it. jesus, what's wrong with you? okay, you got it. just take a chill pill, for christ sake. remember where we came in? nooo, that's towards sears. we came in through bullocks. i know where it is. want to follow me, lou-is? you have no idea where you parked, do you? jesus, but if you two aren't the biggest fuck-ups i've ever seen in my life. how did you ever rob a bank? when you robbed banks, did you have to look for your car then too? no wonder you went to jail. is it this aisle, lou-is? you sure? is it this aisle or the next one over? you sure? okay, lou-is.