this tec-9? they advertise it as being the most popular gun in american crime. can you believe that shit? it actually says that on the little booklet that comes with it. "most popular gun in american crime," like they're proud of that shit. check out this body-builder chick. now see what she got. that's a styer aug. styer aug's a bad motherfucker. listen. shit's expensive, man. comes from austria. my customers don't know shit about it, so there ain't no demand. baby, i could use some more ice. but put that bad boy in a flick, every motherfucker out there want one. i'm serious as a heart attack. them hong kong movies came out, every nigga gotta have a forty-five. and they don't want one, they want two, cause nigga want to be "the killer." what they don't know, and that movie don't tell you is a .45 has a serious fuckin' jammin' problem. i always try and steer a customer towards a 9- millimeter. damn near the same weapon, don't have half the jammin' problems. but some niggas out there, you can't tell them anything. they want a .45. the killer had a .45, they want a .45. thanks, baby. mr. walker. he runs a fishing boat in mexico. i deliver the merchandise to him, gets it to my customers. on all my bulk sales, anyway. nigga didn't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out 'fore i set 'em up. now, motherfucker's rollin' in cash. he got himself a yacht, with all kinds of high tech navigational shit on it. ak-47, the very best there is. when you absolutely, positively, gotta kill every motherfucker in the room, accept no substitute. that there is the chinese one. i pay eight- fifty and double my money. get that for me, will ya baby? girl, you better not make me go over there and put my feet to ya. yeah. hey, junebug, what's up see, what did i tell you? man in new york wants a 9 millimeter smith and wesson model 5946. why does he want it? it's the gun that nigga on "new york undercover" uses. because of that nigga, i can sell it to this nigga for twelve-fifty. as low as two. that's what i been tellin' you. start adding these motherfuckin' figures up, and you tell me this ain't a business to be in. i got me five m-60 machine guns. these came straight from the gulf war. i sold me three of them so far, twenty grand a piece. louis, this is it, man. i'm gonna make me a million dollars out of this. i already got me a half-a- million sittin' in mexico. when i do this last delivery, i'm gonna make me another half-million. i get out. spend the rest of my life spending. who is it? beaumontordell. what's the problem? what the fuck you doin' in jail? what the fuck you doin' that for? ain't you got better sense than to be drivin' drunk carrying a goddam pistol? - beaumont. beaumont. listen to me. number one, you need to chill out, nigga. bad as this shit is, this shit ain't as bad as you think it is. course you're scared. that's what these motherfuckers get paid for scarin' the shit outta ya. that's their job. and my job is to get you the fuck home so let me tell you what is gonna happen. may i speak?. thank you. you gonna spend the night in jail; it's too late to get you out now. tomorrow, they gonna take you into court. i'm gonna be there. judge gonna set your bail. i'm gonna pay your bail, they gonna cut you loose. by tomorrow night, you'll be back home, i promise. so just calm your ass down, and i'll see you tomorrow. you owe me a helluva lot more than one, nigga. see you. where would you like me to put my ash? and i need me a bond for ten thousand. oh, that's just my white friend, louis. he's got nothing to do with my business. we just hangin together. we're on our way to a cocktail lounge. who's that big mandingo nigga you gotcha arm around? he's a big one. you two tight? it was our idea to take the picture, wasn't it? gonna have to put up cash. it's in my bag. c'mon, you know how they do. black man comes in with ten thousand, they wanna fuck with 'em. first off, they gonna wanna know where i got it. second, they gonna keep a big chunk of it - start talkin' that court cost shit. fuck that shit, jack. i'll go through you. i know that. fella named beaumont. they have him up at county. it started out drunk driving, but they wrote it up "possession of a concealed weapon." dumb monkey-ass had a pistol on him. they ran his name and got a hit. he's been in before. besides, beaumont's from kentucky, and i think they're prejudiced against black men from the south out here. you think you could do that? beaumont. that's the only name i know. sure. we almost done, ain't we? you go wait in the car. wait a minute. take the keys, man. listen to music. this one's for the ignition. . but you gotta hit this thing to shut the alarm off and unlock the door. you ain't got to do nothing. just point at it and push the button. you'll hear the car go "bleep." that means the alarm's off and the doors are open. now play the volume as loud as you want but don't touch my levels. i got them set just the way i want 'em. livingston, huh? you don't say. haven't a clue. will they consider this a violation of his probation? man, he won't like that. beaumont don't got a doin' time disposition. ordell robbie. o-r-d-e-l-l. r-o-b-b-i- e. 1436 florence boulevard. compton house. hope you don't mind me askin' where you keepin' my money till i get it back. in your drawer? beaumont ain't going nowhere. where do i sign? hey, max. i was wondering. what if before the court date gets here, beaumont gets hit by a bus or something and dies. i get my money back, don't i? it's your benefactor, nigga. buzz me up. look at you and your free ass. come over and give me a motherfuckin' hug. who was there for your ass? who? you goddam right! you see,it works like this. you get your ass in trouble, i get your ass out. that's my job. and i don't mind tellin ya, nigga, it's steady work. naw, man. they just tryin' to put a fright in your ass. how old is that machine gun shit? three years. that crime's old, man. they ain't got room in prison for all the motherfuckers out there killin' people. how they gonna find room for you? that's why they call it "fuckin' with ya." now you wanna hear how we retaliate? tomorrow i pick you up, take you to century city, meet my lawyer. now let me tell you a little bit about my lawyer. his name is stacin goins and this nigga is a junkyard dog! he's my own private johnie cochran. in fact, he'd kick johnie cochran's ass. and like johnie cochran, dude hates fuckin' cops. i'm serious, this man lives to fuck with the police. so as a favor, i had him look at your case. stacin told me you aint got shit to worry about. they just fuckin' wit ya. so we sic the junkyard dog on their ass, make 'em - . stop fuckin' wit ya! naw, man. i gotta be someplace. i was kinda hopin you could come with me. look, i hate to be the kinda nigga, does a nigga a favor - then bam - hits a nigga up for a favor in return. but i'm afraid i gotta be that kinda nigga. i need a favor. a bit. why the fuck you at home? cause i spent ten thousand dollars gittin' your ass home. look, i gotta problem. i need help, and you can help me. well, it ain't so much a problem a a situation. remember i sold those three m-60 machine guns outta the five i got? i'm gonna sell the other two tonight. this group of koreans in koreatown have started a neighborhood watch kinda thing. and they want a few weapons so the neighborhood niggas know they mean business. so i'm gonna sell 'em my two machine guns tonight. only problem, i aint never dealt with these koreans before. now i aint worried. asians are by and large real dependable. they don't want no trouble. you might argue about price, but you aint gotta worry about them shootin' you in the back. but i got me kind of a rule. never do business with nobody you ain't never done business with before without backup. that's why i need you, backup. - let me finish. can i finish? now you're gonn be in the trunk holding onto the shotgun. and i'm going to tell them i'm opening up my trunk to show 'em my goods. i open up the trunk, you pop up, rack that bad boy. what the fuck i tell you. you don't hafta shoot nobody. just hold the gun. they'll get the idea. we're only goin' to koreatown. you'll be in there - ten minutes. you can't ride with me. the surprise effect is ninety percent of it. i can't believe you do me this way. well, my ass has got a problem spending ten thousand dollars of my own goddam money to get ungrateful, peanut-head niggas outta jail, but i do it - - well, if you owe me, git your ass in the trunk. you think i wanted to spend ten thousand dollars on your ass? answer the question, nigga. do you think i wanted to spend the thousand dollars on your ass? yes or no? but the only way to help you was to do that, so i did it. okay, how 'bout this? after we're through fuckin' with these koreans, i take you to roscoe's chicken and waffles. my treat. just think, man. that scoe's special, smothered in gravy and onions. get a side of red beans and rice. uuuuummmmm, that's some good eatin'. don't worry. it's just me. i was wondering. did any federal people come visit you in jail and i should be watching my ass? you wouldn't tell me if they did and i wouldn't blame you. louis, my man. watcha doin'? whatcha watchin'? guess where i am? i know you don't know. i said guess. i'm talkin' to you from the comfy- cozy interior of an oldsmobile parked outside your nasty-ass welfare motel. uh-huh. naw, man. i just told you, i'm comfortable. i ain't about to walk into that roach motel and get uncomfortable. you bring your ass out here. then put your goddam drawers on, and get your ass out here. i got somethin' to show you. you know what your problem is, louis? you think you're a good guy. when you go into a deal you don't go in prepared to take that motherfucker all the way. you go in looking for a way out. and it ain't cause you're scared neither. it's cause you think you're a good guy, and you think there's certain things a good guy won't do. that's where we're different, me and you. cause me, once i decide i want something, aint a goddam motherfuckin' thing gonna stop me from gittin' it. i gotta use a gun get what i want, i'm gonna use a gun. nigga gets in my way, nigga gonna get removed. understand what i'm saying? that was beaumont. an employee i had to let go. he put himself in a situation where he was gonna have to do ten years in the penetentiary, that's what he did. and if you know beaumont, you know there aint no way in hell he can do no ten years. and if you know that, you know beaumont's gonna go any goddam thing beaumont can to keep from doin' those ten years including telling the federal government everything they want to know about my ass. now that, my friend, is a clear case of him or me. and you best believe it aint gonna be me. you know what i'm sayin'? you gonna come in on this with me, you gotta be prepared to go all the way. i got me so far over a half-a-million dollars sittin' in lockboxes in a bank in cabo san lucas. me and mr. walker make us one more delivery, i'm gonna have me over a million. you think i'm gonna let this little cheese eatin' nigga here fuck that up? shit, you better think again. 'fore i let this deal get fucked up, i'll shoot that nigga in the head, and ten niggas look just like em. understand what i'm sayin'? so we on the same page then? sits in the back, watching the proceedings without any expression. when he's seen enough, he stands up and out of the shot leaving an empty frame. unh. unh. unh. i din't hear you wash your hands. the door was opened, so i just came right in. i got some more business for ya. she is an airline stewardess. got caught coming back from mexico with some blow. they set her bond this afternoon at ten thousand. now, what i was thinkin', you could use the ten thousand you owe me from beaumont and move it over on to the stewardess. they fuckin' wit' her. they callin' it possession with intent. a black woman in her forties gets busted with less than two ounces on her, they call that shit intent. same shit happened to a movie star. it's possession. she had, i believe it was. fifty grand on her, too. there was a cop at the hearing. young guy with l.a.p.d. wanted her bond set at twenty-five thousand, saying there was a risk of flight. jackie being a stewardess and all. somebody already did. you didn't hear? somebody with a grudge blew beaumont's brains out - hey, that rhymes - blew beaumont's brains out. very first motherfuckin' thing they did. they see i put up a big money bond on my boy, they start thinking with that where-there's-smoke-there's fire logic. they roust my ass outta bed, ten o'clock in the morning. fuckin' scare my woman, sherona, half to death. she thought they were gonna take my ass away for sure. brown, jackie brown. who says she does anything for me? she's my friend. when my friends get into trouble, i like to help 'em out. that's what the police thought. i told them i'm unemployed, how could i have anybody work for me? now i bail out jackie, i'm liable to have the police on me again, huh? wanting to know was she doing things for me, was she bringing me that money! is this, me and you, like a lawyer- client relationship? the lawyer can't tell nothing he hears? if there's no - what do you call it - confidentiality between us? why would i tell you anything? why would a stewardess bring me fifty grand? - jackie aint got time for all that shit - i got it. i just don't got it on me. man, you know i'm good for it. thousand bucks ain't shit. man, you need to look at this with a little compassion. jackie ain't no criminal. she ain't used to this kinda treatment. i mean, gangsters don't give a fuck - but for the average citizen, coupla nights in county fuck with your mind. just listen for a second. we got a forty-year-old, gainfully employed black woman, falsely accused - falsely accused of intent. if she had that shit - and mind you, i said "if" - it was just her shit to get high with. okay, man. i got your money. but don't you ever ask me for no fuckin' favor. while johnny cash continues crooning, ordell puts on his gloves. then opens up his glovebox, taking out a little targa .22 pistol. he steps out of the car, slipping the pistol into his coat pocket. we stedicam in front of him as he walks across the street to jackie's apartment. once inside the complex, ordell passes us and we follow behind him, up to jackie's ground-floor apartment door. how you doing, ms. jackie? you got some booze? got some o.j.? well, then, why don't you be a good hostess and make me a screwdriver? you gonna thank me? who you think got your ass outta jail? hey, you get caught with blow, that's our business. oh, shit. i bet it was that present mr. walker was sending melanie. yaaaah, he's the one musta put it in there if you didn't. oh, man, that shit's uncalled for, baby, and i apologize. i 'magine they asked you a shitload of questions about it, huh? all that money, want to know where you got it? i'magine they asked who you givin' it to, too. and what was your answer? you positive about that? you weren't nervous and let something slip by mistake? if you did, i ain't mad, i just gotta know. i knew it. yeah? my name come up? you say anything about me? well, that's mighty honorable of you. this fella beaumont, they say what happened to him? yeah, somebody musta been real mad at beaumont. or they were afraid of what he might say to keep from doin some time. i'magine from time-to-time they asked you a whole shitload of questions. and you didn't give 'em no answer? you scared of me? you got a reason to be nervous with me? is that what i think it is? i think it's a gun pressing against my dick. what the hell you doin'? now, baby, that's got nothin' to do with you. i just carry that. you been listenin' to them cops too much. damn, jackie, i was just playin' with you. baby, i ain't come here - i understand woman, damn! i'm tellin' you, those cops been fuckin' wit your mind. they turn black against black, that's how they do. this shits gettin silly now. i just came here to talk. well, i can get you a good lawyer - - baby, i didn't - yeah? i got a problem. yeah. talk to you tomorrow. we're back. we been shoppin'. can't have my boy running around lookin' like a bum on the street. but you did have a salvation army- thing going. goddam, girl. you gettin' high already. it's only two o'clock. ha-ha-ha. i'm serious, you smoke too much of that shit. that shit robs you of your ambition. you two a coupla cheech and chongs, ain't ya. oh, that's okay, i'll get it. hello. hey, jackie. no, not on the phone, let's meet somewhere. but you gotta make sure they ain't followin' you. the cockatoo inn? where's that? oh, wait, you mean that place that has the big sign with a rooster on it? hey, louis, i have to go out awhile. so since you like gettin' high so much, why don't you stay here with melanie, get high, and watch cartoons? so you just watch this for the next three hours, and i'll be back. then, when i'm through with all my business, i'll get high. i get high at night. walk me to the door, space girl. hope you don't mind keeping him company. try not to rip his clothes off 'em they're new. i'll be back in an hour, man. just hang with mel. i gotta remember this place. this is all right. two minutes from your crib, ten minutes from your work. not bad. screwdriver. i bet you come here on a saturday night, you need nigga repellent keep 'em off your ass. you a fine lookin' woman, jackie. i bet you do a damn sight better than okay. you think anybody followed you? how the fuck they know that? keep it. you told em? you told em it's me? well, shit. that don't mean you gotta confirm it! didja tell 'em anything else? you told them that? what the fuck's that got to do with it? what did they say? naw, naw, that's too much exposure. i ain't goin anywhere near that money. that's a good idea. who? a woman. yeah, i think a woman. but you don't? and they follow the wrong one thinkin' she's bringing it to me. so we need two people, two women. i got the woman covered. where you thinkin' about doin' this? i suppose you see a piece of this for yourself? yeah, but it's my money, and i don't need me a partner. managers get ten percent. i'll give ya ten. i can do that. uh-huh. what'd you care? i ain't gonna send no roc whore. the woman's cool, i promise. what's up with this shit. check this out. over half-million dollars worth of merchandise. sure. she one of the women i got set up. i got melanie in hermosa beach. i rent simone a small house in compton, and about four blocks away i got me this nineteen-year-old country girl named sheronda. i found her waitin' for a bus two days outta alabama, barefoot, country as a chicken coop. took her to my house in compton, told her it was hollywood. hell, yeah. to her dumb country ass, compton is hollywood. close as she's ever been, anyway. if this is about you fucked melanie, i don't give a damn. i ain't a fool. i leave you alone with a bitch like melanie, you're gonna be fuckin' that twenty minutes after i'm out the door. so say "thank you" and i'll tell you, "you're welcome." she tryin' to work your ass against me, ain't she? you didn't even hafta say it. i know the woman. 'cause she my fine little surfer gal. she can't do me no harm. fact she think she can play you against me shows how little she knows. you could teach that bitch for days how it is 'tween me an you, she never understand a damn word. i don't hafta trust her, i know her. you can't trust melanie. but you can always trust melanie to be melanie. i told you, man. she my fine little surfer gal. hey, jackie, c'mon in. she gonna hafta find her sandals. find her bag. find her sunglasses. take twenty damn minutes get her ass out the door. jackie - his is louis, louis - jackie. and the chick stompin' around in the other room is melanie. you have a nice time, hear? drink? what the hell you talkin' bout? how do you know she did that? well, you weren't supposed to be there. now, hold on there. i ain't pullin' no shit. it's my money, i can do whatever the fuck i wanna do with it. just chill the fuck out, jackie. it ain't no big thing. the woman you saw was my friend, simone. she's the one gonna be receiving the money, so i just wanted her to see how it works. she'll be here any minute. nice woman, you'll like her. louis, call simone and tell her to get her tail over here. we're waitin' on her ass. i'm about ready for a refill. sure i can't tempt you? man, i don't like that part. she won't have no problems 'cause she don't know nothin'. she don't know shit about the money. i told her this is a game us rich folks play, exchanging gifts. like a scavenger hunt. she didn't know what that was neither. no answer? hang it up, she's on her way. you gotta listen to this. this involves you. no, you gonna give her a robinson's. may bag this time? she saw you with sheronda. so simone goes to the dress department with her robinson's. may bag. she waits for you to go in the place where you try things on. so you come out with her robinson's. may bag, go meet sheronda. simone peeks out, waits for my man louis here to give her a signal nobody's watchin'. she leaves the store, gets in her car - mission accomplished. i'm gonna be sittin' at the titty bar in downtown l.a. till my man over here calls me and gives me the o.k. sign. who's paging you? that works on my nerves, you bein' so buddy-buddy with him. well, i've been trusting you all this time, haven't i? we agreed on ten percent of what you bring in and that's what you gonna get. we're partners, baby, sorta. i ain't gonna screw you. you haven't told me where i put it for you. max cherry? you and him friends now? you tell him about this shit? don't you know all them bail bondsmen are crooks. it's ordell. we got a bit of a change in plans here. nothing to worry 'bout - everything's the same - except for one change. that bitch you saw in the mall, simone. she wasn't here today, cause she split on me. me an louis went over to her place ,she's gone. she's gone and all her shit's gone and so's my ten thousand dollars. it ain't nothin' to worry about, girl. everything's just like we discussed. except when you do the switch, instead of simone, it's gonna be melanie. what the fuck are you two still doing there?! well, you the one in motherfuckin' charge. go in there, snatch her by the hair, and drag her big ass out. this is my goddam money we're talking about. get your ass out the door. that's me. did you get it? when i see you. pick me up at sam's. you count the money? melanie must be dyin' to see it. louis. - not now, pick me up. you keep drivin' down ninth, to where they got all them car dealerships. we're gonna leave this heap in a parking lot and get one the cops don't know about. hey, where's melanie? so what, you left her there. you shot melanie? couldn't talk to her? you couldn't just hit her? you shot her twice? so you're sure she's dead. where did you shoot her? well, if you had to do it, you had to do it. what we don't want is that bitch surviving on us. anybody but that woman. louis? where's the rest of it? maybe forty, maybe not that much. so you light, ain't you. you light about a half-a-million. came outta where? how long was she in there? louis, you tellin' me the truth? then what? where you shot her. you sure she ain't somewhere with a half-a-million dollars i worked my ass off to earn? pull the car over. what'd you shoot her with? okay, so it was jackie brown. 'fore i blow that bitch's brains out, i'll ask her. if there were nothin; in here but towels, maybe she didn't get a chance to take it from her suitcase and a.t.f. got it. but, she put these fuckin' books in here to trick our ass. then she throws forty thousand in here, to rub the shit in my face, know what i'm saying? she wants me to know she ripped me off. or. . she gave it to somebody else first, before melanie went in the dressing room. what? tell me. you gonna tell me who it was? you see max cherry in the dress department. we're about to be handed half-a-million dollars - man, look at me when i'm talking to you! and you don't think nothing of him being there! hell, yes, they know each other. he bonded her out of county. you know the motherfucker's a bail bondsman, don't ya? you know every last one of them motherfuckers is crooked as hell? man, i don't want to hear your fuckin' excuses! oh, you gonna tell me the reason you lost all the goddam money i got in the world! let me tell you the reason, motherfucker! the reason is, your ass ain't worth a shit no more! what the fuck happened to you, man? shit, your ass use'ta be beautiful. can you believe that shit? motherfucker hung up on me. ingrate nigger. do things for people and that's how they treat you. goddamn girl, how can you live like this? girl, this shit is repugnant. let me speak to max cherry. he leave town? give me his home number. hello. you know who this is? she got off, huh? looky here, i know you helped her and i know you know what i want jackie can tell me any story come in that pretty head of hers. long as at the end of that story, she hands over my money. she do that, we're still friends. now, she don't wanna be my friend no more, tell her to think about ol' louis. and if she tries to turn me in, i'll name her ass as my accessory. we'll go upstate together. hand in handcuffed hand. now that shit's a promise, understand what i'm sayin'? you tell her that, and i'll call you back. what the fuck you doin' knockin on the door like the goddamn police? you lookin' to get shot? you keep fuckin' with me, you're gonna be asleep forever. git your ass in here. you better freeze, motherfucker! that's all? you know what the fuck i'm talkin' about. you talk to her? how'd you find me? how the fuck did he find me? well, bully for that nigga. you say she wants to give me the money, huh? well, give it to me then. i'd like to hear that too. turn around and put your hands on your head. lift up your pant leg. you help her? and you did that to protect my interest? my ass be dumb, but i'm not a dumbass. go sit over there on the couch. you get used to it after a while. now tell me where my money's at. and where's jackie? she wanted to see me, why wasn't she home? that i gotta see. have her bring the money here. call her, tell her the combination. you expect me to just walk in there? that's why she's givin' up my money huh? not that bullshit about melanie. i didn't trust her ass neither, but i knew how to handle her. she was my blonde-headed little surfer gal. i fuckin' told louis he could've just given her a punch in the mouth, he didn't need to shoot her. she's at your office. by herself. that big mandingo nigga winston ain't there, is he? i call your office, she better answer the phone. all the time i've known her, i never heard her sound scared like that. ordinarily she's too cool for school. i'm driving, gimme the keys. i know where it is. i know where to turn. my money's in that office, right? she starts givin' me some bullshit about it ain't there. it's somewhere else and we can go get it. i'm shootin' you in the head right then and there. then i'm gonna shoot her in the kneecap, find out where my godamn money is. i go walkin' in there and that nigga winston or anybody else is in there, you're the first man shot, understand what i'm sayin'? now, is there anything you want to tell me before we get out of this car? you sure? you better be, motherfucker. get ahead of me and open the door. step inside easy. hey, girl, what the hell you sitting in the goddamn dark for?