a dense rain falls on a dark night filling puddles of water. jacob is crawling through the underbrush in the vietnamese jungle. his shirt is bloodsoaked. he moves slowly, creeping on his right forearm. his left arm is holding his intestines from spilling onto the grass. there is a flash of light. a man rushes at the camera yelling. strange faces in infantry helmets appear in the darkness, outlined by a bright moon that is emerging from behind a cloud. the faces are looking down and voices are speaking. cut rapidly to vietnam and a replay of flashes of the opening sequence of the film. soldiers with bayonets are charging over rice paddies in the dark of the night. one of the soldiers charges at jacob with a long bayonet blade and jams it into his intestines. jacob cries out. gunfire explodes in the darkening sky. we are in vietnam. jacob is at the bottom of a trench fighting with frank. chaos surrounds them. men are screaming. the enemy is storming at them from the rear. rod raises his bayonet and jams it into the belly of his attacker. it is only after a series of jabs that he sees it's another american he's killed. rod's eyes go blank with confusion and terror. strange faces in infantry helmets appear in the darkness, outlined by a bright moon that is emerging from behind a large cloud. the faces are looking down and voices are speaking.