i'm sorry, mr. singer, but do you have any idea how many people come to me with the injustices of the world? it'd break your heart. the army. the army. what is it with you guys? we're not talking about a trip to the library here. this is the united states government for god's sake. this is red tape coming out of your ass. you know what i mean? oh yeah? what am i - perry mason here? okay. i'll look into it. what do you want, a fortune teller or a lawyer? . i'll need sworn depositions from each of you and a list of the other members of the platoon, or their survivors. i'll tell you, if we find the military is implicated in any way, you could stand to recover quite a lot of money. not that i can predict anything, but some class action suits of this kind have been awarded fairly generous judgements. that wouldn't be so bad, would it mr. singer? ah! i thought you were a mailman. then why aren't you teaching? why aren't you in a university? ah! well then, they're going to have to pay for that, aren't they? nobody's been talking to nobody. you don't have a case, you hear me? it's pure and simple. now leave me alone. okay? take your hands off me! you need . a doctor. there's nothing i can do. you mind? i'm eating, huh? i'll tell you what's gotten into me. i don't know you from adam, right? you come to my office with this bizarro story and demand i look into it. okay. i said i'd check it out and i did. now i don't know what kind of fool you take me for, but you have used and abused me, and i don't like it. i talked to the army's bureau of records. you've never even been to viet nam. it means that you and your buddies are whacko, that you were discharged on psychological grounds after some war games in thailand. i don't have to do any such thing. i'm eating my lunch, okay? he's on his way.