up yours, you adolescent scum. don't leave me. excuse me, do you know if we've passed nostrand avenue yet? excuse me. look, i'm asking a simple question. have we hit nostrand avenue? i fell asleep. yeah, you and everyone else. goddam it. no way! goddam fucking city! hey, is someone in there? what the hell did you do, move all the furniture? i didn't want to wake you. where is the lamp? if i knew i wouldn't have to ask. what did you do? i was happy the way it was. where to? thanks. what do you mean? oh god, jezzie, ask me tomorrow. roberts didn't show up. what could i say? besides, it's double time. (unbuttoning his shirt as he walks to the help me. someone. no. have you seen my glasses? i don't know. jezzie, i can't see. thanks. what's that? who? jed? eli. why can't you remember their names? they're biblical. they were prophets. and where do you think jezebel comes from? you're a real heathen, you know that, jezzie? jesus, how did i ever get involved with such a ninny? yeah, but for what? and look what i got. i must have been out of my head. what's in here? look at these, will ya? i don't believe it. jesus, these are fantastic. look, here's my dad . and here's my brother, when we were down in florida. here. look. this is me and sarah when i was still at city college. what? what do you mean you can see? she looked good then. well, you didn't marry her. gabe. sorry. it just took me by surprise. i didn't expect to see him this morning . god, what i wouldn't . he was the cutest little guy. like an angel, you know. he had this smile . fuck, i don't even remember this picture. wait. don't. i just want to look . god, this is me! look. it's dated right after i was born. what a kid. cute, huh? so much promise. ready? they're awfully heavy. where's wong? how was palm springs? you got a nice tan, though. no. i'll take the other one. right. well it's good to have you back. see you tomorrow, probably. goddamn it! what the hell . ? what the hell do you think you're doing? you can't do this. this is government property. come on. you can't stay here. new york! how's it going? i'm going home. i don't know. one of these days, i'm gonna see louis. my back's killing me. i'll be glad to avoid the crush. gently. my back. how do you know? what can i tell you? her knee acting up? what did she have to say? i was absent the day they taught that in school. what did she say? sarah. she talk about the boys? she told you that? did she tell you about the $2,000 i'm still paying for the orthodontist? i'll bet she didn't mention that. i thought you said she didn't say much. loves me!? she hasn't said a kind word about me in years! she hates me, louis. what? she threw me out, remember. she wanted some professor to carry her far away from brooklyn. only we didn't make it. she can't forgive me that she still lives in the same house she grew up in. what can i tell you, louis? after nam i didn't want to think anymore. i decided my brain was too small an organ to comprehend this chaos. i can't relax. god almighty. what did you do to me? i had this weird flash just then. i don't know. i've been having them recently. you know, you look like an angel, louis, an overgrown cherub. anyone ever tell you that? louis, you're a life saver. when there are gray skies, i don't mind the gray skies, as long as there's you . why do you bring her up? when was the last time i said a word? what does that have to do with anything? does it explain the barricaded subway stations? does it explain those godforsaken creatures? they're like demons, jez. those guys tried to kill me tonight. they were aiming right at me. they weren't human! i'd like to speak to dr. carlson, please. new? he's been here for years. look, i need to see him. i know where his room is. just give me a pass. i won't be long. ten minutes. damn it. i was in the veteran's out- patient program. he knows me. jacob singer. whataya mean, no record? that's ridiculous. i've been coming here for years. listen to me. i'm going out of my fucking mind here. i need to see him. goddamn it! i don't want a social worker. carlson knows me. i'm looking for dr. carlson. isn't this his office? died? jesus, jesus! . when? how did it happen? blew up? what do you mean it blew up? no. no. it's okay. i'm okay. no, thanks. i could have told you that. it's short, huh? oh, terrific. just my luck. shit! help me! i wanna leave. get me out of here. where are we? where? where's della? bring her here? show me della! della? i see. just to see you. that's all. like della. if i could stop it, i'd stop it. stay away from me! don't you come near me! all of you. go to hell! go to hell, goddamn you! stay away! what's it say? a hundred and two? what does it say? how high is that? what the hell are you doin'? what are you talking about? i'm freezing. what'd the doctor say? coming here? you're out of your mind. i'm not getting in there. i'd rather die. look at me. i'm ice cold. oh jesus! i can't do it. don't gimme that. jezzie! my feet are throbbing! hey, i'm not dressed. get the hell off me. let go of me, you sons of bitches. i'm freezing! i'm freezing! goddamn you! help me! help me! oh god! you're killing me! stop! damn! you and your fresh air. it's freezing. of course not. you have all the blankets. it must be ten degrees in here. i'm telling you, sarah, if you want to sleep with fresh air, you sleep on the fire escape. from now on that window is closed. this is healthy? i'll probably die of pneumonia tomorrow and this is healthy. what a dream i was having. i was living with another woman . you know who it was? jezebel, from the post office. you remember, you met her that time at the christmas party. i was living with her. god, it was a nightmare. there were all these demons and i was on fire. only i was burning from ice. she was good in bed, though. she had these real beefy thighs. delicious. gabe? what are you doing . ? it was the window. tell your mother. jed. it's the middle of the night. what's up? your allowance? it's five a.m. we'll talk at breakfast. what is this, a convention? i love you, too, pickles. now go back to sleep. now what? don't go? i'm not going anywhere. i'm right here, gabe. come on, go back to sleep. you can still get a couple of hours. i love you, sarah. am i home? are we in brooklyn? what? you are the most unbelievable woman i have ever met. one second you're a screaming banshee and the next you're florence nightingale. who are you? that's what i want to know. will the real jezzie pipkin please stand up. hello. speaking. paul gruneger! well i'll be goddamned! paul! you son-of-a-bitch, how the hell are you? i haven't seen you in what, five, six, years? jesus christ. how've you been? what's happening in your life? me neither. nothing too exciting. so tell me, to what do i owe the honor? shit, paul. i'd love to see you. but i'm kind of laid up here. i've been sick. jesus, man, you look terrific. you must have put on twenty pounds. you're lucky. how many vets you know are even employed? it's almost like a conspiracy, huh? it's not worth it. you'll never win. nope. why the hell we drivin' here? you can't talk in brownsville? what's wrong? that black car? what's goin' on paul? you in trouble? who is? who, paul? what exactly . ? why not? it's okay, paul. it's okay. don't do anything. paul, i know what you're talking about. i've seen them too . the demons! everywhere, like a plague. me, too. i had no idea. it's like i was coming apart at the seams. what is it paul? what's happening to me? the army? i don't know. i don't know. you come home with me. are you kidding? we've put up more of her cousins. you wouldn't believe how they breed down there. goddamn, this is my lucky day. help me! get me out of here! where am i? who are you? he was upset. he thought people were following him. he didn't know . demons. he told me he was going to hell. he was scared. he saw these creatures coming out of the woodwork. they were tryin' to get him, he said. a couple of weeks, i think. no. not really . i've seen them, too. look, there's something fucking strange going on here. you know paul's not the only one who's died. you remember dr. carlson over at bellevue? his car blew up, too. an explosion, just like paul's. i think something's fucking connect- ed. i mean, a car tried to run me over the other day. doug too, right? we've got six guys here going fucking crazy. okay, not you rod. but the rest of us are flipping out for some goddamn reason. they're tryin' to kill us. fuck it man, we need to find out what's going on. it's got something to do with some- thing. i think we've got to confront the army. if they're hiding shit from us, we better find out what it is. maybe that's the only way to get through. besides, six heads'll be better than one. we should get ourselves a lawyer. this isn't injustice, mr. geary. the army did something to us and we've got to find out what. exactly. and we need someone to cut through it. we hear you're the man. doctor. ph.d. i am. i'm too messed up to teach. with wings. you transport me, you know that? you carry me away. i love you, jez. underneath all the bullshit, just love. you know what? i feel . exorcised . like the demons are gone. in a way. at least now i have some idea of what was happening. if we can only get them to admit . to explain what they did . i don't know. maybe it'd clear things up in my head. i'll tell you something, jez, honestly . i thought they were real. he did? when? why didn't you call me? what? what do you mean? what's he talking about? i don't believe this. frank. it's jake. jacob singer. listen, i just got a strange call from geary. he said the guys backed down. what's he talking about? what does that mean, frank? i don't get it. why? well, try, huh. things happen? what the fuck are you talking about? they did something to us, frank. we have to expose this. jesus christ! who's been talking to you? what's going on? how can you just turn away? what about the others? shit! you know it's not half the case if i go it alone. we're all suffering the same symptoms, frank. the army is to blame. they've done something to us. how can you not want to know? what do you mean? what are you talking about? goddamn it. what kind of bullshit is that? what the hell? what kind of mumbo jumbo . ? hey, wait! shit! no!!! geary! mr. geary! listen, goddamn it! you can't just walk away from this. who's been talking to you? the army? have they been talking to you, huh? listen, will you listen? they're trying to get me. they're comin' out of the walls. the army's done something to me. i need you. a doctor? and what's he gonna do, tell me i'm crazy? they've fucked with my head. i've got to prove it. you've got to do something. something's going on here. you're not telling me something. what the hell's gotten into you? used you? what the hell is that supposed to mean? war games? thailand? that's not true! how can you believe that? can't you see what they're doing? it's all a lie. we were in da nang, for god's sake. you've got to believe me. you slimy bastard! you goddamn piece of shit! who are you? what do you want? my back. i can't move. i need my chiropractor. they stole it. i don't know. santa claus. i had my son's picture in it. gabe's picture. it's the only one i had. call my chiropractor. louis schwartz. nostrand avenue. no. don't move me. goddamn it. i want louis. where are you taking me? where am i? oh god! jezzie! get me out of here. take me home. dead? no. i just hurt my back. i'm not dead. i'm alive. i don't know. i don't know. this isn't happening. let me out of here! no! that was years ago! i've lived years since then. no! the army did this to me! they've done something to my brain. jezzie! i want my boys! sarah! i'm not dead! i want my family! i'm not dead. i am not dead. no! oh god. save me! where am i? i'm awake? where's sarah? where did she go? she was here . that's a lie. my family was here. last night! they were as real as you are! this is not a dream! this is my life. louis! i'm here! in here! louis! am i dead, louis? am i dead? i was in hell. i've been there. it's horrible. i don't want to die, louis. i've seen it. it's all pain. what? by myself? there's something i've gotta take care of, louis. i'm walking, aren't i? not tonight, louis. no more rest. i love you, louis. listen to me. there were four companies in our batallion. five hundred men. seven of us were left when it was over. seven! four companies engaged in an enemy offensive that not one of us who survived can remember fighting. you don't forget a battle where 500 men were killed. they did something to us. i want to know the truth, the goddamn truth. we have a right to know. are you getting all this? i want this on national t.v. i want the whole country, the whole world to know. for what? for seeking the truth? you come near me and i'll blow us all up. the army will deny it. they've falsified my records. they've lied to my lawyer, threatened my buddies. but they can't threaten me. what the fuck do you think you're doing? what is wrong with you? no! who's there? who is it? goddamn it! who's there? jezzie? let go! stay away from me, jez. you wanna know? turn on the t.v. watch the fucking news! i can do anything i want. don't! i'm not here. you haven't seen me. hello. this is jacob singer. god almighty! . yes. yes. right. where would you like to meet? how will i know you. okay. i'll be there. a chemist. part of a chemical warfare unit out of saigon. he said he knows me and that i'll know him when i see him. i have no idea. i was right. there were experiments. i knew it. i knew it. my god. alleged? alleged? i don't get it. who are you? why have you been following me? long time ago. shows how much you knew. yeah, sure. we were losing the war. the ladder? like it was yesterday. none of us can remember that night. i get flashes of it but they don't make sense. we saw shrinks for years. but nothing they did could ever touch it. what happened? was there ever an offensive? but there was an attack. i can still see them coming. there was a fight, wasn't there? who then? if you knew, why didn't you say anything? so why tell me now? you come here often? how do i know this isn't just some kind of, you know, seduction or something? never? what is it? i don't know. one drop? i think i'm falling asleep. i can't move. what's happening? help me. help me! i don't believe this. it's a miracle, michael. a miracle. it was paradise, michael. you showed it to me. you were there. mike, it was real. it was glorious. i would have stayed there if i could. no. i couldn't. i don't know what to say. i'm gonna make love to you. that's what i'm gonna do. yep. finally. i love you, jez. me neither. i tell you, it was so wonderful. i felt like a little boy. i saw paradise, jezzie. who's there? stick with me, kid. it's not practical, jez. it'll be hard enough alone. no. things are too hot. later. i'll send for you. i promise. no. i'm a marked man, jez. i'm the only one left. i don't want to expose you to that. it's not right for you or me. be reasonable. i love you when you're angry. chicago. one way. for tomorrow. one. goddamn it! fucking pervert. what?! where is he? i'm going to brooklyn. i know the way. look, this is all the money i've got in the world. take me home and it's yours. hello, sam. i'm okay. no, don't. but thanks. hello. it's me. hello? is anybody home? jed? eli? daddy's here. sarah, is that you? i hope you don't mind. i needed to come home. what're you . ? where's sarah? where are the boys? where are they? no! what's going on? where's my family? where have they gone? what's going on? who are you? what are you doing to me? who are you? tell me, damn you! this isn't happening. hello? who is it? who's there? gabe? gabe! gabe. oh god. i don't believe . hello prof. the postal service. i'm a mailman. it's good to see you. i haven't seen her in months. i'm with another woman now. we're both with the post office, midtown, 34th street branch. oh, you'd be surprised. they just don't have their doctorates, that's all. oh, that goes way back. they had a hiring freeze, one of those last min- ute things. bad timing for me though. middle of the war. the draft. i'll tell you prof, after viet nam . i didn't want to think anymore. i decided my brain was just too small an organ to comprehend this chaos. i doubt it's my mind that interests her. i tell you prof, she's a fiery lady. i've got a problem, prof. more augus- tine than kierkegaard, if you know what i mean. i need to know about . demons. no. i see them. yes. i see them, prof. everywhere. they're invading my life. christ, i know how it sounds. yes. i don't want them. i'm not looking for analysis or drugs. it's too easy to dismiss as some kind of psychosis. it's more than that. i can feel it. i need you prof. you're the only one i can talk to. i need your insight, your intuition. i'm afraid, prof. nothing makes sense. please help me. but i see them. hell, you think i am? help me! with wings. you transport me, you know that? you carry me away. no! hold me, jezzie. hold me. oh god! jezzie! help me! don't you touch it. who are you? who the hell are you? why won't you answer me? i don't know you. that doesn't mean shit. where do you come from, huh? and i don't mean indiana. you know goddamn well what i mean. well leave then. go to hell. help me! i'm okay. i just don't want to lis- ten. i'm not upset. i'm tired. goddamn it. why do you say that? shit! can't i just have a bad day? then don't bug me. mid-town mostly. i picked up my ticket. i'm leaving in the morning, jez. west. don't be funny. stop it, jez. don't do that. don't play games with me. there's nothing more to say. hello. it's me. hello? is anyone home? jed? elie? dad- dy's here. sarah, is that you? i hope you don't mind. i needed to come home. where's sarah? where are the boys? where are they? no! what's going on? where's my family? where have they gone? what's going on? this isn't happening. oh god! goddamn you! who are you? tell me, damn you! no!!!!! oh god! stop!!!! what do you want from me? oh god, help me.