jake, is that you? why didn't you turn on the light? gee, thanks a lot. where are you? i moved the couch. that's all. that help? what do you think? the room! it is tomorrow. four a.m. how come you're so late? what happened to you? you up? where'd you leave 'em? did you look around the headboard? maybe you left 'em in the bathroom. your kid dropped it off. no. the little one. they're weird names. well, personally, i never went for church names. i don't let anybody call me that. you sold your soul, remember? that's what you told me. a good lay. the best. jake, you are never out of your head! pictures. your wife was gonna toss 'em so "what's his name" brought 'em over on his way to school. lemme see. that's sarah? i can see what you mean. why you left. look at her face. a real bitch. not to me. what's wrong? is that the one who died? i don't like things that make you cry. it's amazing, huh jake? your whole life . right in front of you. what a mess! just gettin' rid of the garbage. jake! what's wrong? now? what about the boss? he's not gonna like it. well, i'll miss riding home with you. i was looking forward to it. i enjoy crushing into you. maybe it's all the pressure, jake. the money. things like that. or your wife. 'cause she's always on your mind. it has nothin' to do with talkin'. or maybe it's the war. it's still there, jake. even if you never say a word about it. you can't spend two years in vietnam . new york is filled with creatures. everywhere. and lots of stations are closed. demons, jake? come on. they're winos and bag ladies. low life. that's all they are. the streets are crawling with 'em. don't make em into somethin' they're not. it's the pressure, honey. that's all it is. kids on a joy ride. happens all the time. come on. what were they, jake? you still love me? says here the world's comin' to an end. the battle of heaven and hell they call it. should be quite a show; fireworks, h-bombs, and everything. you believe them, jake? me neither . god, look at this. two heads. only lived two days. a day for each head. could you imagine me with two heads? we'd probably keep each other up all night - arguing and whatnot. you wanna see the picture? goddamn you son-of-a-bitch! my uncle's dogs used to treat me better than you do. at least they'd lick my toes once in a while. at least they showed some fucking interest. all right! all right! all right! you love me? della's party's tonight. why don't we go? it'll take your minf offa things. and i won't make you dance. i promise. huh? you still love me, jake? you okay? oh, come on. it's early. we're at della's. what do you mean? where do you think? why? what for? hey, i'm here. are you feeling all right? shit, you're burning up. feel his forehead. i think you should lie down. can't you stop it? i've never been so mortified in my whole life. never! screaming like that. i don't understand what's gotten into you, jake, to make you do a thing like that. you're not acting normal. i've lived with too many crazies in my life. i don't want it anymore. i can't handle it. i'm tired of men flipping out on me. shit, you'd think it was my fault. well you picked me, remember that. i don't need this. all right! all right! if you go crazy on me you're goin' crazy by yourself. you understand? i don't believe this. i'm calling the doctor. it's gone to the top. the numbers stop at 107. get your clothes off. get your clothes off! that you'd die on the way to the hospital. now get into that tub. he's coming right over. goddamn it. get in here. i can't stand around waiting. that's your decision. you're red hot, damn it. get in there. i've got to get more ice. what kind of man are you? lie down! sam, tony, come in here. here. i'll do it. bring it in. he doesn't like it. pour it in. he's melting it as fast as we dump it in. jake. you're gonna be all right, jake. you're gonna be fine. you're here. home. the doctor said you're lucky your brains didn't boil. what a night, jake. it was crazy. you kept sayin' "sarah, close the window," over and over. and talkin' to your kids. even the dead one. weird. you know you melted 200 pounds of ice in 8 hours. amazing, huh? you're right here, jake. you just rest. the doctor said you had a virus. that's what they say when they don't know what it is. you can't do anything for a week. he says you gotta recuperate. now you just lie here. mrs. sandelman made you some chicken soup. it'll warm you up. you know, you really ought to get out today. you can't just sit around like this all the time. it's not healthy. it's not good for your mind. go take a walk, or somethin'. go to a movie. christ, who's gonna know? you think i care? i don't give a shit. go. enjoy yourself. one of us should be having a good time. hello! anybody home? anybody in there? goddamn it! i can't stand it anymore. i've had it up to here. go ahead and rot if you want . you son-of-a- bitch, i'm talking to you. i made you a tuna fish sandwich. it's in the fridge. eat a carrot with it. the aspirin's on the bottom shelf. we're out of soap so, if for some reason you decide to wash yourself again, use the dishwashing stuff. i'm sorry i yelled, but you get on my nerves. (she bends down and makes eye contact with look, i'm horny. keep it in mind. love me a little? oh shit. tell 'em i've left. so tell me . am i still an angel? we're all angels, you know . . and devils. it's just what you choose to see. i know. remember that. how come? the army? i put a frozen dinner in the oven, a manhandler. it'll be ready at a quarter of. i threw a little salad together. it's in the fridge. i also bought some apple juice, red cheek. don't drink it all. oh, and jake, your lawyer called. while you were in the shower. he didn't give me a chance. look, honey, don't get upset, but he's not taking your case. he said you didn't have one. i don't know. that's all he said. he wasn't very friendly. oh, yeah. he said your buddies backed down. they chickened out, he said. baby, i'm sorry. i feel terrible. i'd stay and talk but i'm so late. look, don't be upset. we'll talk when i get home. see you around midnight. bye. and don't brood. watch t.v. or something. it's just me. who else were you expecting? where were you, jake? where've you been? why haven't you called? i want to know. you tell me! why are you doing this to me? you can't just go away like that. it might be for me. hello . no. he's not here. i haven't seen him all night . i don't know when . what? tell him what? vietnam? . what experiments? who was that? how? how do you know he's telling the truth? don't leave me, jake. what are you doing here? are you all right? how do you expect to pay for this? everyone's looking for you, jake. i dodged people all over the place, reporters, police. i don't know what you're gonna do. are you out of your mind? god, i can't keep up with all your changes. what's gotten into you? it's amazing, you know, that a drug could change things like that, destroy a life and then give it back. it's hard to believe that the world could be so hellish on day and like heaven the next. it's so hard to believe. this is one of my dreams, jake. ever since i was a little girl. i never thought it would happen. i want to go with you, jake. wherever you go. i can waitress. i'm good. bullshit! please. reasonable? reasonable? jake . you're gettin' me angry. oh yeah? try leavin' without me. hello, jake. i knew you'd come here in the end. sit down, jake. sit down. it's over, jake. it's all over. wake up. stop playing with yourself. it's finished. your capacity for self-delusion is remarkable, dr. singer. what's wrong, jake? forget to take your antidote? you have quite a mind, jake. i loved your friends. that chemist - the ladder. what an imagination you have! and your vision of paradise . fantastic! you're a real dreamer, you know that? only it's time to wake up. your mind is crumbling, jake. no more "army." no more conspiracies. you're dying, dr. singer. it's over. where's to run, jacob? where's to go? how many times have you asked me that? how many times? so tell me . am i still an angel? jake, are you all . ? jake? jake? it's going to be all right, jake. it's going to be all right. don't be afraid. i've got you now. you're completely off your rocker, you know that? you'd think you fell on your head instead of your back. what are you planning to do, burn down the apartment along with your demons? cause you know goddamn well who i am. you've lived with me for two years. what do you want me to say? my mother's tummy? you're out of your fucking mind. i'm not gonna stand around here gettin' interrogated by you. you son-of-a-bitch. who do you think you are? i don't deserve this. who takes care of you day and night? who cleans the floor and washes your goddamn underwear? well, i've had it. you flip out on your own, you ungrateful bastard. i'm done holding your hand. i don't want anything to do with you, you hear? nothing! what'd you do that for? it's an in- teresting story. all these people are still disappearing. right off the street. hey, what's wrong? are you all right? you look upset. jake, what is it? you look terrible. what happened? jake . is it the antidote? look at yourself. you look like you've seen a ghost. you can have anything you want. i'm not bugging you. come and lie down. i'll give you a massage. where'd you go today? oh yeah? what was happenin' there? oh? where you going? where's west? new jersey? i always liked the west, west of il- linois anyway. but you gotta give me time to pack. do what? i haven't done a thing. jake. what are you doing? look, i'm sorry, i didn't mean to bite. let me get you a towel. jake, don't. you can't leave. you're not seeing things clearly. the drug's wearing off. jake, don't leave me! hello, jake. i knew you'd come here in the end. sit down, jake. sit down! it's over, jake. it's all over. wake up! stop playing with yourself. it's finished. your capacity for self-delusion is remarkable, dr. singer. what's wrong, jake? forget to take your antidote? i loved your chemist, jake. the height of fantasy. and your vision of paradise. a most romantic creation. you're quite a dreamer, jake. only it's time to wake up. there is nowhere to run, jacob. you're home. how many times have you asked me that? how many times? you know who i am.