what the hell were you thinking? not so fast yllo! there's a protocol here. my god! this is way over your head, pal. we need to call some experts and . . . you're a teacher. what if they're carrying? did you even check? how do you know that piece of cursed rock down there doesn't carry something metal tits can't detect? damnit, yllo! i don't like it. i still think we should send for a team of real scientists. right now, i care only for the safety of this crew. you don't know anything about these two - jesus what the hell is that? my job. i like her already. give it a rest yllo. she needs some time. i'm with you kid. lab two, relax. what's the matter? he's dead. jesus, god! dallas! that you? come back! dallas?! dallas?! do you copy? kicker, sven. get into the grid and tell me what the hell is going on! i doubt that. i think we can handle whatever your ancient hockey player can throw at us. dead? report to weapons. we're going on a hunt. yllo, what's your head count? this place should be safe. get them back here. i don't want to be hunting around and kill one of your kids by accident. as much as i've dreamed of doing that. i need to know what you know about this guy. not an option. i'm going to hunt this son of a bitch down. i've been a grunt for fifteen years. there's not a problem i can't fix with enough ammunition. not a chance. you got that right. you sumbitch! three dead! on my watch! if that. that thing is out there, it's dead! you got it!!! now get out of our way. get back to the lab and baby sit your snot nosed brats. we've got a job to do! got it! let's move out girls. yllo go to lab two and cover out backs. alright, the teach requests we take this guy out at the knees. i say shoot to kill. so after you've killed him, put one in his knee so we can say we tried. go to infrared, stay in radio contact. teach you there? you just keep an eye out. let's move out. two teams, port, starboard. kicker, anything? briggs, geko, talk to me! damnit to hell! we're coming to you! teach! where the hell are you?! where's our visuals?!! what's my status?! i've lost three men and your worthless fuck! after i kill this asshole i'm coming your yllo! kicker? where are you? find crutch! set up an ion field around the cargo bay. we'll torch the sucker! yllo. you're a dead man! what? where is everybody? what happened? give me a break! what happened? space lab?! wait'll i get my hands on yllo. takes more than a steelbalde to take this old dog down. yup, that ought'a do it. he-help me. you stupid bitch! damnit to hell, you left me back there to die! yeah, yeah. well, what have you got to say for yourself? bomb? how much you need? blowing the walkway? you come up with that yourself? kid, you ever thought about the marine corp? well fuck me. damage? i'm pulling, damnit! well, that's a shame. we need weapons. can't shut em' down from here. i'll go. get out of here! that all you got?!! still barely alive barrels into jason, vlinging to his back. he turns, slashes with his knife and severs the hoses. yeee---haaaaa!!