yllo walks around the room, overseeing all the action. he's excited and cocky. delongpre, boemen, kay-em 14 and thorgan wait and watch girl in the nano-gel. thorgan is getting impatient. he can't find something. delongpre wakes as yllo enters. yllo, janessa, thorgan, boemen and delongpre anxiously huddle around the frozen girl's body. probes dangle in the gel. rizzo's eyes pop open. she gasps for breath. coughing and splitting the gel-like substance. she's sitting in a foot of gel, naked; yllo, brodski and the kids around her. as delongpre enters all eyes turn to him. yllo enters pissed off. the others are standing around not sure what to do. yllo walks in and sits at a bank of monitors. through one, we see the team standing at the cargo doors. the kids are standing at a schematic of the ship. several small blips are entering the cargo area. rizzo sees something. her hopes fade. a blip flashes for a second on the screen. the blip flashes again. cheers from everyone except rizzo who knows better. she shakes her head. the kids stand in shock, silently staring at one another, listening to the static of the dead communications. boeman reaches over and clicks off the radio. silence. rizzo leaps to her feet. the crew has packed their essentials and now wait to dock with space lab. yll is standing before the others holding jason's machete. wham! wham! wham! yllo leaps to his feet. jason looms over him. rizzo, in the lead, enters the lab, when the ship bucks and quakes! a portion of the hall collapses behind her. boeman climbs through a hole in the rubble. he grabs the lever. thorgan is fooling around in the back of kay-em 14's head. the nano-tech maching is doing a full diagnostics. thorgan rips a metallic sink from the wall. it crashes to the floor. jason bursts through the debris that had been blocking the lab! kay-em enters behind him. kay-em stands over jason. and for the first time in ten films jason is in bad shape. but still climbs to his feet. slowly. wham. wham. wham. a rain of firststaking on this droid from the future. jason's body is propped up against a machine in the same position we saw it before. this mass of torn flesh doesn't move.