adrienne and stoney push jason into the lab. adrienne scans jason with a machine identical to the one kkinsa was using in lab one. adrienne is prepping various medical tools. jason's body is laying on an autopsy table. steam rises from his body as thick ooze drips from his thawing flesh. adrienne leans over jason's thawing body. oozing goo drips from the slab. close on jason's hand - it curls, the frozen joints crackle. adrienne tries to pry the mask off . . . but it holds firm. jason's leg jerks! jason sits up! adrienne is thrown into a work light. the room goes dark. as the connection goes to static. everyone is in shock except brodski. he's a pro. brodski is in assault mode. yllo is talking on aseparate mike. unwaakre of the slaughteri n the next room. yllo enters, makes sure he wasn't followed then approaches a console.