bitch looks dead to me. first field trip and you think you're a scientist. move out of the way geek. okay rent-a-cop, do your shit. i gotta date tonight. they're just subclass b droids. i'm so not impressed. oh, was that the hand you beat off with? oh that's scientific. she's not that great. it's just like thorgan's. what do you think this means? small brains make your balls itch? all this science shit, makes me horny. take off your cloths, we don't have much time. you're quicker than usual. you prefer an apple? oh my god! adrienne? maybe she tripped. you know, stoney's done everyone on this trip but me. what's up with that? look ice chip, why don't you just chill out and let us handle this? what are you doing? what do we do?!! okay, i'm guessing you should hurry. that was fun. thorgan?! i think your metal lover's losing it. what?! okay, tell you what. you die, we'll run. you geeks wanna gimmie a hand? this is just great. boeman, can you reach delongpre? we'll push you in. forget her, she's a pain in the ass. let her hang there. that ought'a help the situation. okay that hurt. shit. he's gonna send himself right at us. get off of me! let's just get out of here. so what else is new? are you crazy?! pull the lever! you happy? you've killed us all! what's the point? no. a little late to be thinking about escape, isn't it? you know, yllo seemed to think we could catch this guy alive, well, he'd be worth millions. i'm just saying. yeah, great idea! and i'll keep the big guy distracted with a blow job. you're so bossy. thorgan, you little shit, is that you? damnit! you scared the hell out of me! jason. he's what happened. then grendel hit space lab. yllo's dead. we. we thought you were too. lights a flare, blinding jason for the moment. then she sinks the rhino syringe into his chest! jason stumbles. falls hard on his ass and sits there staring at her. well go on! pass out! shit. he. he. he came for me, i had to run! i. i don't know what i did. he was chasing me! i don't know. sorry? they're not gonna make it. close the door before he gets us all. close the fucking door! pull me in!